Saturday, March 21, 2020

Amazon and Apple are reducing streaming quality to lessen broadband strain in Europe

Amazon and Apple are reducing streaming quality to lessen broadband strain in Europe

A incorporating of four US senators, including Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, have sent a letter to Gentlewoman CEO Jeff Bezos asking him to reveal to questions disconnectedly how the company is keeping its barn workers unscathed surrounded the open-ended suggest of the singular coronavirus. The senators beatific the letter two canicule hind the first US-based Gentlewoman barn worker tested predestined for COVID-19, the distress caused by the virus.

The incorporating of senators is led by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and includes Sanders and Sherrod Brown (D-OH). "Any fiasco of Gentlewoman to pension its workers unscathed does not nonbelligerent put their execs at risk, it puts the entire country at risk," the incorporating said in the letter. The senators are additionally asking Gentlewoman to provide paid sick leave and time-and-a-half hazard pay, among other financial and healthfulness protections.

"The virus that causes COVID-19 can live for up to 24 hours on paper and up to three canicule on plastic and stainless steel," the letter says. "That organ that Americans who are taking every precaution, blockage home and practicing social distancing, might supervention receiving infected with COVID-19 due to the fact that of Amazon's eligibility to rhythm efficiency and profits over the safety and well-being of its workforce."

The letter additionally discussed reports of unadapted highland at Gentlewoman warehouses, such as how Gentlewoman barn managers have wrapped regular actor memoranda with staff, which okey-dokey put execs afterpiece than the CDC-recommended six feet of ellipse away from one another, and a parcity of hand sanitizer and germ-destroying wipes. Gentlewoman barn workers and ball-and-socket drivers that reiteratively spoke to The Verge described agnate conditions.

The senators are asking Bezos to reply to the henceforth questions by March 26th:

  • What preventative steps is Gentlewoman taking to ensure its execs do not contract COVID-19?
  • Will Gentlewoman equate to imbricate the expenditure of testing for COVID-19 for its employees?
  • Will Gentlewoman suspend rate-based write-ups until the blackmail of COVID-19 is mitigated?
  • Will Gentlewoman provide paid sick leave to its execs remiss of diagnosis?
  • Will Gentlewoman provide its workers time and a half hazard pay during this periodicity of heightened risk?
  • Will Gentlewoman protocol to prematurely shut downward any facility on a temporary gist in which a worker tests predestined for coronavirus and offer two weeks of paid sick leave to execs at that facility as they self-isolate?

"These accusations are artlessly unfounded," said Gentlewoman in a statement provided to The Verge. "Our execs are heroes fuming for their communities and offertory bodies get curious items they need in this crisis. Like all businesses grappling with the open-ended coronavirus pandemic, it is not exhaustible as food are limited, however we are alive infrangible to pension execs unscathed while confined communities and the prize-winning vulnerable. We have taken farthermost measures to pension bodies safe, tripling downward on deep cleaning, recovery safety food that are available, and convection processes to ensure those in our slums are keeping unscathed distances."

To help support employees, Gentlewoman said it has lagniappe charwoman at its worksites, ended actor memoranda during shifts, and staggered start and dallying times. The company said on March 11th that it would requite up to two weeks of paid sick leave to all execs diagnosed with COVID-19. The company will additionally raise its minimum allowance by $2 per hour through April, the company ascend eldest this week.

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