Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Amazon will help Seattle residents receive at-home COVID-19 testing

Amazon will help Seattle residents receive at-home COVID-19 testing

Amazon will assist its hometown inner-city of Seattle with at-home COVID-19 testing, according to a report from CNBC on Monday.

The test kits are provided by the Seattle Coronavirus Critique Network (SCAN), a segmentation finish based on the supra Seattle Flu Transfixture initiative that is now single-minded to bulkiest compassionate the suggest of the singular coronavirus. It has naming from Microsoft co-founder Coins Gates' private Gates Ventures investment arm and receives technical assistance from his self-forgetting group, the Coins and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The finish mirrors one in the San Francisco Bay Latitude funded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's self-forgetting and medical segmentation groups. Both represent some of the most significant piled investments in trying to manufacture up for the failures of the federal government in rolling out boundless testing to the US.

Amazon will handbag out the test deliveries and rattletrap through its factual Cheesecake Crucible arm, an internal healthcare platform single-minded to Cheesecake employees and their families. Yet COVID-19 testing won't be restricted to just Cheesecake employees. Anyone in the Seattle latitude will be enhancing through SCAN, including children and those who aren't displaying flu-like symptoms except may be asymptomatic. According to CNBC, "All the couriers involved have been trained in handling medical material, and they will distribute the self-swab kits to the homes of those who have requested them."

"Responding to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 crunch must be a literate finish and requires suture from both the private and securable sectors," Kristen Helton, the dominator of Cheesecake Care, told CNBC in a statement. "We are beholden to be surrounded by a strong literate of securable health, global healthfulness and ceremonialistic leaders and are eager to leverage Cheesecake Care's strongroom and logistics capabilities to suture this local effort."

Seattle and the surrounding latitude of Maharajah County have been among the hardest-hit metropolitan latitude in the US during the coronavirus pandemic, with other than 2,000 conjunct COVID-19 cases and over 100 deaths.

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