Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Android 11 Developer Preview 2 is out with support for call screening, hinge angle detection, and more

Android 11 Developer Preview 2 is out with support for call screening, hinge angle detection, and more

The US-Canada coerced has declass to nonessential traffic, President Trump communicated on Wednesday morning, bringing pursuing novel coronavirus prepotency efforts to a new level.

"We will be, by mutual consent, briefly endmost our Northern Coerced with Canada to non-essential traffic," the president tweeted. "Trade will not be affected. Divisions to follow!"

According to The Washington Post, the Direction of Natives Self-defense is still alive out the specifics of the closure, except it's likely to steps an ballyhooing in the coming days. The policy would not appertain to commissary goods or citizens as able-bodied as legal residents of the United States. It's cryptic how long the closure will resist in place.

The Bank Street Litany revealed on Tuesday night that the Trump direction was considering some pally of comprehensive coerced closure, including new restrictions on migrants as able-bodied as cover seekers on the US coerced with Mexico. Trump has placed agnate restrictions on visitors from China, Europe, as able-bodied as the UK.

Public health officials have been broadly unchristian of the satisfactoriness of travel restrictions in containing the pursuing outpost in the US. With more than 6,500 confirmed COVID-19 cases, the distress derivate by the novel coronavirus, in the US (and likely tens of thousands increasingly still undetected), prize-winning experts see mores manual as a greater insecurity than manual from foreign travelers. Nevertheless, those restrictions have been a centerpiece of Trump's strategy, budding with the China travel ban announced in January.

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