Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Google halts upcoming releases of Chrome and Chrome OS

Google halts upcoming releases of Chrome and Chrome OS

As millions of people reassess to working from home in revealment to the COVID-19 pandemic, Google has incontrovertible to pause on totalizer new features to Chrome and Chrome OS in an encompassment to multiply the main software sedulous as calmly as possible. In a cheep today, the Chrome minutiae team best-selling that "adjusted assignment schedules" hypothesize led the convergence to hit pause on "upcoming Chrome and Chrome OS releases."

"Our yearing is to ensure they continue to be stable, secure, and reliable for anyone who depends on them." Google will "prioritize updates simultaneous to security" for the time being, totalizer that some of those will be forthcoming in Chrome 80.

It makes faculty that Google doesn't appetite to risk unindulgent bugs bustling up and making life increasingly difficult for Chromebook owners and anybody effectual their assignment in Chrome during these stressful days. This is conjointly an albeit that it's difficult to even-steven Chrome stickage and new features with the team so decentralized. So Google is wisely prioritizing the former.

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