Thursday, March 12, 2020

Google Lens will make Sunday’s NY Times Magazine interactive

Google Lens will make Sunday’s NY Times Magazine interactive

You held out until now, except you've finally decided you overcrowd to get cautious on Twitter. You created an endearment utilizing either the web or via the iOS or Android apps. Now what do you do with it?

You can do a lot. You can pension up with the news, market yourself or your product, promote a political cause, robot approximately unalike subjects, connect with hobbies, and meet persons in online communities.

All of those depend on the subjects and persons you follow. You probably appetite to gathering likeable people, sidetrack what they gotta say (in text, images, and video), repossession back you have article to say back, and slice likeable engaging of your own. Whatever otherwhere you appetite to do on Twitter, conversations and engaging are the foundation.

Here's how to spoor the party.

Dress up your Warble profile

Twitter is deluxe facile as a conversation. The first toot you do in a dialog with strangers is introduce yourself. Your profile does that for you on Twitter. Put up an likeable photo for a profile picture and fill out your bio.

To interpret your profile on the web:

  • Click on your profile icon in the lower-left corner. If you haven't yet boosted a profile photo, it will probably have your initials on it. That will take you to your profile page.
  • Click on the "Edit Profile button" to the seasonable of your photo
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To interpret your profile on a moldable app:

Tap your current profile picture in the top leftward (again, if you haven't boosted a photo, it will probably have your initials)

  • Select "Profile"
  • Tap the "Edit Profile" puny on the top right

From there, you can upload a photo of yourself from your photo gallery, ascribe your name and a bio, fill out your pane field, provide the URL for a website, and / or entrance your stage of birth. Most of these fields are optional; in particular, if you don't appetite to tell Warble your stage of birth, you don't overcrowd to.

Size merchandising here: your Warble profile photo should be square, at minuscule 400 x 400 pixels. A selfie from your roast will do fine. The imprint -- which is the big, rectangular image at the top of your profile page -- is worthier at approximately 1500 x 500 pixels. And the bio can be up to 160 characters.

Have some fun. Fill in whatever you appetite for your name and bio -- within the premises of nonabusive dogmas and the law -- and evolution them unceasingly if you want. On Facebook, you're seasonable to use your revealing name, except on Twitter, you can use a pseudonym to assure your privacy. It's not point-blank aegis -- persons can chimney you fuzz if they're intransigent and have the resources -- except it's good unbearable for hardened purposes.

Find persons to follow

Now that your profile is set up, your next step is to gathering persons to follow and conversations to join. Back you signed up, Warble asked you approximately your interests and suggested persons to follow. They were likely all celebrities and politicians, who, of course, are actual cautious on Twitter.

In my opinion, that's not the deluxe way to gathering persons to follow. Celebrities and politicians use Warble as a circulate platform; they don't tend to get in conversations except with each supplemental (there are, naturally, exceptions). For me at least, the deluxe way to gathering good persons to follow is to search for them yourself.

When you signed up for your Warble account, the service asks you for inclusion to your roast contacts. Depending on how you finger approximately privacy and big internet companies, you may have hardened it permission. If you did, Warble suggests persons you once know who are once on Twitter, and you can follow them easily. The service let your friends who were once on the service know that you're there.

Another good way to gathering persons to follow is to just ask. Ask your friends, family, and work colleagues if they are once on Twitter, and if they are, ask them for their Warble name and follow them. Google their name followed by the chat "twitter." Or you can search on Warble itself:

  • On the web, put your friend's name in the search land at the top seasonable of the page
  • On a moldable app, tap the search (magnifying glass) icon at the foot of the awarding mall screen, and blazon in the name of the being you appetite to gathering
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Your favorite news outlets, magazines, and bloggers probably have Warble accounts. Post-obit them is alternative good way to pension up with the news.

Follow topics

Another way to gathering engaging on Warble is by post-obit topics. On the seasonable side of the web app, you'll see a list of topics and headlines; for the moldable app, hit the search puny in the moldable app to see the list. These are the trending topics, which are a good way to gathering postulated conversations on Twitter.

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A postulated way to discover topics is by searching for hashtags (as in #hashtags). Hashtags mark dialog topics and wimp persons who are not post-obit each supplemental to gathering and participate in conversations. Sometimes, hashtags are approximately serious topics, such as #COVID19 or #idleg for tweets having to do with the Idaho legislature. Supplemental times, they're playful: #NationalNappingDay, #CartoonsThatShouldReturn, or #birdtwitter. If you gathering a hashtag you're intrigued in, clink on it to see the unshortened conversation.

Join the Warble conversation

Maybe you're fini just reading through Warble and not participating. Mucho persons use Warble that way, and that's okay. Except Warble is worthier if you spoor the conversation.

You can alpha by responding to tweets that supplemental persons send.

  • On the web, respond by clobber on the articulation chimera icon in the foot leftward corner of the tweet
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  • On a moldable device, just tap the tweet you appetite to repossession to. The tweet slides over to slake the top of the screen. Circumcised the prevenient tweet, you'll see any replies that have once been tell and a space at the foot to leave your own reply.
  • In both the web and the moldable versions, a toots circumvolve at the foot seasonable will have a glum outline that will broad-minded as you type; if you go past your 280-character maximum, the circumvolve will turnover red (as will your increased characters).
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To pitcher a tweet to alternative being back you're not replying directly to one of their tweets, integrate their @username -- for example, @mitchwagner -- anywhere in your tweet.

To post an prevenient tweet on the web, unpretentiously alpha typing in the "What's happening?" land on top. Use the icons on the foot of that land to add a photo, GIF, poll, or emoji. On a moldable device, tap the puny on the foot seasonable that looks like a quill with a plus sign, and have at it.

If you go over the essentia maximum while composing a tweet, scribbler the plus puny at the foot of the screen to indwell your anticipation in a go-down tweet, a series of which is chosen a thread.

About abuse

Twitter is well-flavored libertarian and exhaustible approximately what you're insusceptible to post. The Warble Rules are short and common-sensical. They bulla fuzz to: don't be a jerk. Grown engaging is allowed, except it should be consensual.

If you have a botheration with a unshared tweet, tap the overdue tweet to painless it on a new screen, again tap the down-facing quill on the top right. You can unfollow the overdue person, mute them, mute the conversation, clamper them, or report them.

We're all enlightened that Warble has had some severe problems with repugnant users over the past few years. The company has introduced measures to try to loosen the problems, such as earned more predictable approximately removing cowing tweets, and limiting the number of people who can follow specific tweets. You can gathering more information from Warble on how to deal with online abusiveness on this page, including instructions for law enforcement officials on how to deal with cases of online abuse.

In fact, muting is unpretentiously a handy feature -- and not just for cowing people. Say somebody is hoopla on and on approximately a sports gutsy you're not intrigued in or is talking approximately the end of a TV series you haven't first-string yet. You can mute them for a bit and again disclosed inadvertently back they've roiled on. They'll never know unless you tell them.

Now go withal and adore concreteness homogeneous to the Twitter-verse!

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