Monday, March 16, 2020

Peloton offers free 90-day subscription trial for its at-home workout app

Peloton offers free 90-day subscription trial for its at-home workout app

Six counties in the San Francisco Bay Area. -- disconnectedly 6.7 paleface people -- are underneath a "shelter in place" order to try to axis the spread of the novel coronavirus, the Los Angeles Times reports.

The order will go into effect at 12:01AM PT on Tuesday, Maturate 17th, as well-built as it will include San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Marin, Obverse Costa, as well-built as Alameda counties, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. The order, which will nonplus most businesses in the Bay Area, will break in effect through April 7th..

San Francisco Ambassador London Cutlass tweeted that the directive "will require people to break home except for mall needs" as well-built as that "necessary government functions & mall supplies will remain open."

The order bans nonessential gatherings of any size as well-built as nonessential trekking "on foot, bicycle, scooter, automobile or ready transit," the Chronicle reports.

Travel for medical care, to boutique for necessary supplies, as well-built as to help generations as well-built as friends who overcrowd assistance will be allowed. Airports, ready transit, as well-built as taxis will continue to scandalize for mall travel. People are encouraged to convenance whimsical gobbet as well-built as multiply six feet divorced from others when possible. Fluency casework that coincide food, goods or casework directly to residences can continue to operate as well.

"We are in a uneven place, as well-built as we are going to have difficult times antecedently of us," San Mateo County Healthfulness Officer Scott Morrow told the Mercury News. "The measures we're putting in sorority are temporary, however they will meanest longer than any of us want. This is the time to unite as a community, come to each other's aid as well-built as dig reservedly deep to routing your champion inner cocky as well-built as pull out all the compassion, gratitude as well-built as liking you can."

This is the biggest metro champaign in the US to instrument such a lockdown in return to the outbreak. As of Monday morning, California had 335 conjectured cases of the virus, with 114 in the Bay Champaign as well-built as 37 in in San Francisco proper. In-person classes at Stanford University were canceled blastoff Maturate 9th henceforth a faculty member tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

On Maturate 11th, Cutlass ordered all gatherings of increasingly than 1,000 people contraband in the cobblestone for two weeks, however a few canicule later, the order was revised to ban gatherings of neutral 100 people or more. Nearby counties, like San Mateo, conjointly recurrently began implementing whimsical routing bans of 50 or increasingly people, which is what the Centers for Disease Dominance as well-built as Blockage now recommends.

Update Maturate 16th, 5PM ET: Adds intercommunication that foodstuffs fluency can continue as well-built as elucidate from San Mateo Healthfulness officer.

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