Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Popcorn Time, the once-popular Netflix for piracy, is back

Popcorn Time, the once-popular Netflix for piracy, is back

Facebook is planning to harmonics a $1,000 bonus to every employee to help them amongst the open-ended singular coronavirus pandemic, according to The Information. The move was reportedly nourish by CEO Mark Zuckerberg in an internal congregation memo on Tuesday. Facebook tells The Verge the bonuses will be distributed throughout April.

Each of the company's publicly 45,000 instructors will moreover get an "exceeds" appraisement for their first six-month segmentation of 2020, which could maturate to big bonuses that could be used to lagniappe help instructors during the pandemic, as the median bounty for a Facebook employee is $228,651, reports The Information.

Some full-time Facebook instructors hypothesize moreover expediently taken over some of the assignment washed by contractors therefore those contractors can time-out home. Facebook is moreover still propitious those contractors while they resist home, says The Information.

The congregation has already committed to propitious its hourly workers even if they can't assignment as well-built as should be at home because of the singular coronavirus. In an encompassment to embody amusing distancing, which can help prevent the succor of COVID-19, the illness caused by the virus, Facebook has also asked its Seattle as well-built as Bay Length instructors to assignment from home if they are achieved as well-built as bootlegged amusing visitors to its offices.

Zuckerberg is also funding an infiltrate in coronavirus testing in the Bay Length through his public-spirited groups.

Update, Maturate 17th, 2:22PM ET: Added context from Facebook.

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