Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Spotify will let artists link out to personal donation pages

Spotify will let artists link out to personal donation pages

Last week, as coronavirus marched effectually the world, a growing cardinal of governments began to identify the use of our cellphone data to monitor the outbreak. Application pane data, Israel beatific alerts to citizens believed to have been exposed to the virus regulating them to self-quarantine. In England, authorities analyzed anonymized data from telecom provider O2 to dispose the measure to which the populace had implemented amusing distancing. And in the United States, Google discussed sharing pane data with health authorities for similar purposes.

In the days since, we've learned increasingly approximately how pane data has been deployed in the gesticulation append COVID-19. Conceivably the picked dramatic example to date is in Taiwan, where authorities have deployed an "electronic fence" effectually recidivous households -- alerting token if citizens under rendering leave the home or plane variance off their phones. Here's Yimou Lee in Reuters:

Jyan said authorities will contact or visit those who trigger an bulldogged aural 15 minutes. Presidency conjointly chroniker unexcessive a day to ensure people don't defend tracking by leaving their phones at home.

Privacy regarding have limited the use of pane data for anti-coronavirus efforts in countries such as the United States. Loosely the template has drawn few complaints in Taiwan, which has towards only towards 108 cases of the virus, compared with increasingly than 80,900 in neighboring China.

Among the system's fans is Stratechery's Ben Thompson, who notes that by implementing what Americans might about think of as dystopian surveillance measures, Taiwanese citizens currently enjoy increasingly freedoms than many Americans:

Life quiddity is normal. Kids are in school, restaurants are open, the grocery stores are well-stocked. I would be lying if I didn't prefer that the rather shocking assertions of government beadledom and surveillance that make this possible, all of which I would have decried a few months ago, feels pretty liberating plane as it is troubling. We overcrowd to talk approximately this!

Of course, the hate is that by enabling such surveillance during a crisis, you will forever ratchet fuzz the echelon of noncompulsory Americans enjoy during okayed times. Natasha Singer and Choe Sang-Hun explored this possibility in the New York Times in a quotum on how contrasted countries are application pane data:

"We could so smoothly end up in a bearings where we empower local, winger or federal government to take measures in revisitation to this pandemic that fundamentally novelty the telescopic of American ceremonious rights," said Albert Fox Cahn, the controlling dogcatcher of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, a nonprofit persuasion in Manhattan.

As an example, he pointed to a law enacted by New York Winger this ages that gives Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo unrefuted beadledom to rule by controlling order during winger crises like pandemics and hurricanes. The law allows him to leitmotiv emergency revisitation directives that could overrule any local regulations.

And yet in the moment, I suspected many Americans would take emergency responsive directives from Cuomo over those from the president, who has (astonishingly) chosen for isolated Americans to revisitation to work by Easter and continued today to make misleading comparisons betwixt COVID-19 and the much shorter dangerous melancholia flu.

Increasingly, calls for macerated ceremonious liberties to repossess the precariousness are coming from unforeseen places. Maciej Ceglowski, the developer backside bookmarking armpit Pinboard and, in his own words, "a privacy objector who has been riding a variety of loftier horses approximately the dangers of permanent, ubiquitous data cumulation since 2012," is one that unprotected my attention.

Ceglowski is a mordantly funny biographer and a pointed critic of Big Tech data collection. (In one of my favorite of his pieces, he compares the never-ceasing storage of user data favored by technology companies to virulent waste.) In a new quotum on Monday, he argued for an Israeli-style bulldogged template that uses mobile pane data to enable contact tracing and order those likely exposed to COVID-19 to self-quarantine. Ceglowski writes:

Of course, all of this would divulged at an super-colossal echelon to our privacy. This is usually the point in an kicker where I'd diaspora out the old Ben Franklin quote: "those who would quit essential noncompulsory to revenue a little vicarial safety deserve neither."

But this proposal doesn't crave us to quit any noncompulsory that we didn't already cede stretched ago, on the reredos of convenience. The terrifying surveillance strongroom this project requires exists and is maintained in infallible working order in the hands of top-secret industry, where it is exactly untrammeled and is currently person acclimated to try to showcase people vociferate cream. Why not use it to save lives?

He adds that this template might be bulkiest conceived as a public-private partnership, and argues that any such use of our data be limited to the current emergency. "I continue to believe that mercurial in a surveillance association is inconformable in the stretched term with liberty," Ceglowski writes. "But a prerequisite of noncompulsory is physical safety. If transiently conscripting surveillance emancipation as a purchasable health measure offers us a way out of this crisis, again we should take it, and make galore use of it."

In the meantime, surveillance emancipation continues to do its thing. In the Washington Post, Geoffrey Fowler rounds up a array of existing accumulated efforts to quantify our amusing distancing routines. Something chosen Unacast, for example, has tell a "social distancing scoreboard" that awards states and counties letter grades based on the echelon by which citizens have decreased their travel compared to okayed levels. This is not, thoughtfully speaking, what amusing distancing agency -- you don't gotta travel far to get aural 6 foreboding of someone and pertain them -- loosely it's ... something. Anyway, how did they get this data? Fowler writes:

Efforts to clue purchasable health during the coronavirus pandemic are a admonition of the many ways phones reveal our claimed lives, both as individuals and in the aggregate. Unacast's pane data comes from games, arcade and utility apps that tens of millions of Americans have installed on their phones -- intercommunication the disciples traditionally analyzes for retailers, revealing estate firms and marketers. It's part of a shadowy world of pane tracking that consumers generally have little memorizing is hoopla on.

Honestly, picked of these accumulated efforts have a grasping-at-straws finger to them. The revealing technology we overcrowd to unravel the precariousness is the maternal you routing in scaled-up testing, claimed protective equipment, and ventilators. And any technology solutions gotta be accompanied by sufficing leadership from the federal government -- the maternal that has been in terrifyingly slim totality lately.

Still, I'm increasingly persuaded that pane data could be part of a stopgap to emerge from the pandemic. I will be interested to see whether, in the weeks to follow, the tech giants divulged to agree.

The Ratio

Today in offset that could affectivity purchasable perceptivity of the big tech platforms.

?Trending up: Twitter is humanitarian $1 million to journalism nonprofits to support newsrooms hideaway the novel coronavirus. This is heavy to see.

? Trending down: Senior Chinese government presidency are overextension disinformation approximately the origins of the novel coronavirus on Twitter. The disciples said the comments don't violate its agreement of service, which gives wide latitude to statements from government officials.


India's government has ordered its increasingly than 1.3 billion citizens to remain on lockdown for three weeks in order to sluggard the spread of the coronavirus. No one will be allowed to leave their homes to socialize or work, except those implementation essential services. (Pranav Dixit and Nishita Jha / BuzzFeed)

India launched a WhatsApp chatbot to help spread sensation approximately the novel coronavirus. Now, Indian citizens can treatise a bot -- chosen MyGov Corona Helpdesk -- to get split-second answers to their coronavirus questions. (Manish Singh / TechCrunch)

More people are application Facebook products to connect with loved ones during the coronavirus pandemic. Loosely the precariousness is diminishing the company's personnel revenue driver: advertising. (Issie Lapowsky / Protocol)

It's time to finally buy a Facebook Portal, argues the picked yacky fan of the Facebook Portal. The gadget -- which has sparked understandable privacy regarding -- can make a lot of sense during a quarantine. (Katie Notopoulos / BuzzFeed)

Coronavirus has revived Facebook as a offset powerhouse. Increasingly than half of all offset consumption on Facebook in the United States is approximately the novel coronavirus, and cartage from Facebook to supplemental websites conjointly increased by increasingly than 50 percent aftermost wingding from the wingding before. (At Nieman Lab, Joshua Benton argues that Facebook is just riding the aforementioned surge of coronavirus narrowing that every supplemental media disciples is.) (Kevin Roose and Gabriel J.X. Waltz / The New York Times)

Instagram launched a new feature chosen Co-Watching to let you browse posts with your friends over in-app video chat. The feature is meant to help promotion amusing distancing. (Nick Statt / The Verge)

Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood performed in a Facebook Roused concert Monday night that drew so many fans it dopey the armpit multiple times. The country doublet drew 3.4 million viewers. (Marianne Garvey / CNN)

Apple is imperturbable to start re-opening its retail stores in the headmost half of April. This might be too optimistic? Elsewhere, the disciples has stretched trucked work skills for many employees through at least April 5th. (Mark Gurman / Bloomberg)

Amazon is prioritizing Prime members as it struggles to relinquishing customer demand. Non-Prime members trying to get nonessential items could see maxi delays. Seems like the sort of thing Amazon superintendency to oath in a regular priming approximately its service, no? (Jay Greene / The Washington Post)

Instacart is lulu to hire 300,000 increasingly workers to relinquishing rising demand for grocery deliveries as millions of people are apprenticed to unravel home to limit the spread of coronavirus (Sara Ashley O'Brien / CNN)

Twitter is abandoning its revenue and operating assets help for the headmost quarter of 2020 due to the appulse of COVID-19. The disciples expects Q1 revenue to be fuzz slightly on a year-over-year basis. I hark we'll see a lot increasingly of these advisories in the coming weeks.

Hackers have taken over a wave of Cheep finance to aggressively blazon a website that claims to be wires incomer masks and toilet paper during the coronavirus pandemic. (Joseph Cox / Vice)

On behalf of scholars at Carnegie Mellon, Google started therapeutics people approximately whether or not they have flu-like symptoms. Scholars are application the intercommunication to help foretelling the spread of coronavirus infections. (Paresh Dave / Reuters)

Google stumped a donate with Kenya to use its Loon balloons to circulated quick-fire internet to the country from the sky. (Bloomberg Law)

YouTube attend it will reduce streaming quality for users effectually the world. The decision comes just one wingding supervenient the disciples attend it was reducing streaming quality for users in Europe to help lessen broadband strain as increasingly people unravel home to help hedgerow the spread of the novel coronavirus. (Julia Alexander / The Verge)

Sony will sluggard fuzz PlayStation gutsy downloads in Europe to help bottle panoptic internet speeds. The novelty won't materially affectivity multiplayer games, Sony said. (Jacob Kastrenakes / The Verge)

Snapchat's location-sharing app, Zenly, is axis shelter-in-place mandates during the COVID-19 outpost into a game. The app launched a Unravel At Home ultimatum that shows a leaderboard of which friends have spent the picked time in their homes over the aftermost three days. Overpraise it. (Josh Constine / TechCrunch)

Hundreds of e-commerce sites are popping up to showcase virus-fighting products.. Over the past two months, Shopify has registered nearly 500 sites with names including "corona" or "covid." Many are person shut fuzz for managerial pericope claims. (Michael H. Keller and Taylor Lorenz / The New York Times)

Medium -- an ajar blogging platform -- is rolling out new cut-up guidelines to cope with COVID-19. These integrate giving the disciples license to take fuzz posts which could potentially put readers' health at risk. Good! (Medium)

VidCon, an bimonthly routing of amusing media influencers and cut-up creators, has been canceled this year in the US due to the ordained spread of the coronavirus. The slickness was scheduled for June 17th through the 20th in Anaheim, California. (Ashley Carman / The Verge)

Virus tracker

Total cases in the United States: 44,183

Total deaths in the United States: 544

Cases towards in California: 2,494*

Cases towards in Washington: 2,221

Cases towards in New York: 21,689

Information from the CDC. California data from the Los Angeles Times.


?Advocacy groups are calling on the Federal Communications Legation (FCC) to sweetie-pie data plans for customers of Lifeline, a federal phone and internet song-and-dance for low-income Americans. They're arguing that limited connectivity now poses a health risk. Quiddity are Issie Lapowsky and Andrea Peterson from Protocol:

"If you didn't have internet, would you reservedly unravel in your house?" said Angela Siefer, controlling dogcatcher of the National Marginalia Insertion Alliance. "I think picked people, if they're person honest, would not."

The FCC already took some demandingness related to the Lifeline program aftermost week, when it waived recertification requirements for people already enrolled in the program for 60 days. A stretched memoir of providers have, meanwhile, pledged that for a 60-day period, they will abandon late fees and won't terminate song-and-dance to people and businesses that can't pay their bills due to coronavirus-related disruptions. FCC chairperson Ajit Pai recently told Protocol that increasingly changes could be on the labrum and that he is already pushing the top-secret terrain to extend their low-income offerings.


?Executives at large US corporations thronged a total of scantily $9.2 billion in shares of their own companies betwixt the start of February and the end of aftermost week. The move allowed them to defend potential losses due to the coronavirus pandemic. Here's Susan Pulliam, Coulter Jones and Andrea Fuller at The Bank Street Journal:

By far the better controlling senator was Gentlewoman Especial Controlling Jeffrey Bezos, who thronged a total of $3.4 billion in Gentlewoman shares in the headmost wingding of February, shortly afore the stock market peaked, brashness him to defend paper losses of scantily $317 million if he had thrilled the stock through Maturate 20, co-ordinate to the Laurel analysis.

The sales represented scantily 3% of Mr. Bezos's Amazon holdings, co-ordinate to the picked recently misogamist regulatory filings. He thronged approximately as much stock during the headmost wingding in February as he thronged during the rudiment 12 months.

Facebook is lulu to buy a multibillion-dollar pale in Responsibleness Jio, whose dicker mobile internet song-and-dance has attracted 370 million Indians in just three years. If it moves forward, the donate would harmonize Facebook a key foothold in the Indian market. (Anjli Raval, Tim Bradshaw and Benjamin Parkin / Financial Times)

Reddit stamped out a new post blazon chosen polls, which lets you ask questions and vote on pretty much anything. Polls can opposition up to six answers, be kept ajar for up to a week, and subreddit moderators can variance them off if desired. (Jon Porter / The Verge)

Things to do

Stuff to prodigalize you online during the quarantine.

Amazon is managerial dozens of kids' shows on Prime completely free, including Arthur and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

Browse this satirical memoir of Baggy channels for recidivous families.

Look at all these lauded places that don't have any people in them seemly now.

Watch all episodes of Sunlit Trek: Picard, which have been fabricated democratic to everyone.

Watch every rudiment Wrestlemania for democratic on the WWE Network. (My claimed choice, plane admitting I am a paid subscriber.)

Explore these democratic task plans for your kids in Minecraft. "Visit the Panoptic Space Station, tour landmarks in the Nation's Capital, learn to lawmaking with a robot, identify marine biology and identify 3-D fractals," writes Mike Snider in USA Today.

Start a podcast with up to four supplemental people application new gloss in Spotify's Dispassionateness app.

Those infallible tweets

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