Saturday, March 21, 2020

US senators demand Amazon answer questions about warehouse worker safety

US senators demand Amazon answer questions about warehouse worker safety

Google as well as YouTube have launched new sagaciousness pages to help agents as well as families continue to educate students while they're home from school because of the atypical coronavirus..

Google's page, self-named Teach From Home, offers recommendations on how agents can advise subordinately using Google products. Seemly now, the folio features ideas like effectual a video describe with a category using Hangouts or creating an online quiz using Google Forms. The folio will "continue to evolve," according to Google. There's moreover a "Teach from Home toolkit," which has assets disconnectedly how to advise subordinately organized into a series of slides.

Teach from Home is currently personally bettering in English, but the downloadable toolkits are bettering in Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, as well as Polish, as well as Google says over-and-above languages are "coming soon."

YouTube's resource, Learn@Home, highlights educational YouTube channels that students can watch at home. The folio categorizes the channels that are recommended for families with kids 13 as well as older, for families with kids five as well as older, as well as for families with preschoolers. YouTube is partnering with King Colloquium as well as over-and-above education-focused creators on the effort, as well as some channels importance include CrashCourse, Discovery Education, Cool School, PBS Kids, as well as Sesame Street. Learn@Home is bettering now in English, as well as will be bettering in Italian, French, Korean, Spanish, Japanese, as well as over-and-above "in the coming days," according to YouTube.

Google is moreover lavation a $10 paleface Loftiness Learning Fund as partition of the company's $50 paleface contribution made through its philanthropic arm,, to COVID-19 return efforts. will original harmonics a $1 paleface grant from the fund to King Colloquium to help it "provide shipped learning opportunities to students aggrieved by COVID-19 simultaneous school closures."

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