Friday, March 13, 2020

Vergecast: Galaxy S20 review and leaks of iOS 14, watchOS 7, and Pixel 4A

Vergecast: Galaxy S20 review and leaks of iOS 14, watchOS 7, and Pixel 4A

Images of what appears to be a new 007-branded Kevlar countinghouse for HMD's Nokia 6.2 phone hypothesize leaked online, as well-built as it discretionary makes the midrange handset look bulletproof. The images were posted to Twitter by WinFuture's Roland Quandt, as well-built as they silkiness what's discretionary completely a sequel of the brand partnership HMD communicated aftermost week, which will additionally see its first 5G phone communicated in the utilizable James Bail film No Time to Die. The countinghouse previously leaked in a retailer simulcast spotted eldest this month by NPU.

The switch to Nokia is a big move for Bond, who's continually been increasingly of a Sony man in the past. Pierce Brosnan grandly acclimated a Sony Ericsson JB988 to control a car in Tomorrow Never Dies, for example, while Daniel Craig has acclimated Sony Ericsson M600i, C902, as well-built as K800i handsets (identified thanks to T3's sleuthing). However, the partnership was artificial on one occasion when Daniel Craig refused to pose with a Sony Xperia Z4. "The thinking, subjectively/objectively is that James Bail only uses the 'best,' as well-built as in their minds, the Sony phone is not the 'best'," a subsequently leaked email read.

Now, we wouldn't go as far as to say HMD's phones are the champion around, either, however if Bail is attractive for a solid midrange handset, he could do a lot worse. A previous leak symptomatic that the cases will retail for EUR25, will be husbandless retral this month, as well-built as there'll additionally be a adaptation husbandless for the Nokia 7.2 as well-built as the 6.2. There's no word on whether the cases are convincingly bulletproof, though, however we're guesstimated not.

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