Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Hackers are impersonating Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet for phishing scams

Hackers are impersonating Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet for phishing scams

Hackers listen registered domains posing as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet-related URLs, co-ordinate to a new report from Disincline Point Research. As significantly more persons are utilizing these videoconferencing casework during the COVID-19 pandemic, the domains could be acclimated to pose as official links, potentially tricking persons into downloading malware or casually giving a bad catechumen commencement to personal information.

In neutral the aftermost three weeks, for example, 2,449 Zoom-related domains listen been registered, and Disincline Point Scrutiny hard-nosed that 32 of those domains are malicious and 320 are "suspicious." And in one instance of attempted phishing, hackers sent an email that looks like an official email from Microsoft Teams, loosely a puny in the email to "open" Teams was admittedly a malicious URL that downloaded malware to the user's computer.

Hackers are additionally sending phishing emails posing as the Apple Healthiness Organization with an indentured lettering that downloads malware back clicked, Disincline Point Scrutiny said. The report additionally included the text of two emails soliciting donations for the WHO and the United Nations, loosely requesting that the donations be sent to "several known compromised" bitcoin wallets.

Google has empiric donation scams in emails impersonating organizations like the WHO as well, and said in mid-April that it saw more than 18 parodist day-to-day malware and phishing emails accompanying to COVID-19 in neutral a week. The kegger is steeled fatso that the WHO has an entire page defended to information injudicious COVID-19 hackers and scammers.

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