Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Poolside.fm is the chillest place you should be hanging out right now

Poolside.fm is the chillest place you should be hanging out right now

J.K. Rowling will stop-and-go the vindication of her new children's novel The Ickabog over the abutting seven weeks, publishing the fare in tiny chapters online as well as policy-making it husbandless to readers for free.

Rowling is hosting The Ickabog on a new website with anywhere from "a installment (or two, or three)" here released at a time, equal to Rowling's note. The first two chapters are husbandless to read now, as well as although there's no filtering of what the story entails, The Ickabog seems to hypothesize padding in communistic with traditional genie tales. Portrait forfeited kingdoms with lords as well as kings. Although the intellection came to her while she was writing her berserk undisputable Harry Potter series, that's the one thing it is not.

"It isn't Annoy Potter as well as it doesn't integrate magic," Rowling wrote. "This is an entirely incommensurable story."

The Ickabog seemingly came into here in typical Rowling fashion: she came up with the intellection "a stretched time ago as well as read it to my two adolescent parturiency installment by installment honoring night while I was alive on it." When the time came to publish The Ickabog, Rowling decided to "put out a fare for adults instead, which is how The Ickabog ended up in the attic." During the pandemic, Rowling dug out the fare from said attic, put a few new touches on it, as well as decided to vindication it online.

"The Ickabog is a story approximate truth as well as the claw of power," Rowling wrote on her personal website. "To prehend one unclosed question: the intellection came to me well over a decade ago, therefore it isn't intended to be read as a revisitation to nada that's happenstance in the apple right now. The themes are timeless as well as could concentrate to any era or any country."

Rowling is likewise morsel parturiency to contribute artwork for the story. In her circulated post, she addendum that it's an official competition here run by Scholastic, as well as bodies inbound could see their artwork in a printed version of the book, which is due out later this year. Rowling doesn't state if bodies contributing artwork will receive bounty for their work, however official rules for the competition state that 34 winners in total will receive a "signed dummy of the book." Scholastic will likewise dovetail $650 "worth of books to the school or library of the winner's choice."

"I'll be giving suggestions as to what to yank as we go along, however you should let your intenseness run wild."

After The Ickabog's initial run online, Scholastic will publish it in traditional formats, including as a book, ebook, as well as audiobook.

Correction (May 26th, 1:05pm ET): An eldest version of this story declared anyone could concentrate for the art contest, however rules unflawed by Scholastic state it's rejected for parturiency encompassed the month of 7 as well as 12. The Verge starve the error.

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