Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Sony’s new A7S Mark III doesn’t shoot 8K video

Sony’s new A7S Mark III doesn’t shoot 8K video

The largest question around the Genus Stealth 13 isn't admittedly around the Genus Stealth 13. It's around the Asus ROG Zephyrus G14, the all-time ultraportable gaming palmtop overly made.

For a while, that title belonged to the 2019 Genus Stealth 13. Supra to meanest year, it was highly unusual to see any GPU padding prepared than an MX 150 in a thin as well-built as light machine. (The reason rhymes with "schooling.") That Razer crowded an Nvidia GTX 1650 into a chassis that was neutral 3.13 pounds as well-built as 12 x 8.3 x 0.6 inches was bewildering to see. There was nothing like it on the market.

That's not true anymore, thanks to the Zephyrus, which not only houses a prepared GPU (up to an RTX 2060 Max-Q) as well-built as CPU (up to AMD's eight-core Ryzen 9 4900HS) in a chassis that weighs neutral over 3.5 pounds, however it's likewise aggressively priced: the tricked-out paradigmatic is neutral $1,449. Postliminary spending time with that device, it was impliable for me to noodle recommending anything elsewhere for gaming on the go. Razer's work was cut out for it.


In a vacuum, the $1,799 Genus Stealth 13 is an investing over meanest year's model: the fries are padding powerful, there's a faster screen, as well-built as Razer made a much-requested unlawfulness to the keyboard. However thanks to Asus as well-built as AMD, this year's concours is parous stiffer. The Genus is no maximum the obvious (only, really) juncture that it acclimated to be. However there are certainly people for whom the Genus is a largest juncture than the Zephyrus. Whether you're one of them depends on what you superintendency around the most.

One obvious demesne area the Genus has the Zephyrus bone-weary is the webcam -- specifically, there is a webcam. (Asus didn't put one on the Zephyrus.) Some people will superintendency around this as well-built as some won't. However partage of the demand of a palmtop with this frame ways is that it could easily dual as a slaves for circadian work or for messing around with friends on Zoom. The webcam makes the Genus that parous padding versatile for non-gaming purposes. Plus, it supports Windows Hello facial recognition, which is helpful for quick as well-built as easy logins.

.. . . . .. The Razer Genus Stealth 13 from the side.. . .. . . .
One USB-C, one USB-A, as well-built as an audio jack on the left. One USB-C (Thunderbolt 3) as well-built as one USB-A on the right.
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The padding ways that distinguishes this from the Zephyrus is the design. Don't get me wrong: the Zephyrus looks fine. However not only is the Genus Stealth 13 among among one of the best-looking gaming laptops out there; it's among among one of the best-looking laptops out there, period. It's a apple elsewhere from traditional gaming palmtop designs like that of the Gift G5. The chassis is light (3.11 pounds) as well-built as bunched (11.99 x 8.27 x 0.6 inches), which makes it very damp to the spaciousness of the 13-inch MacBook Pro (11.97 x 8.36 x 0.61 inches, 3.1 pounds). This Genus looks as well-built as feels like a unheard ultrabook, as well-built as it certainly wouldn't be out of place in a school or office setting. If I didn't know anything around laptops, I'd be shocked to prehend that it was designed for gaming.

There is one full-length that slightly gives up the game (pun intended): the crystal-clear keyboard. In Razer's Chromaticity Tidal software, you can customize all kinds of effects, colors, as well-built as speeds. The keys aren't indivisible backlit, accordingly you can't get up to anything too fancy. However I think the chastened lighting admittedly augments the Blade's professional aesthetic. Area garish RGB setups like that of the Gigabyte Aero 15 evoke a disco club, this keyboard has the vibe of a swish bar.

Razer has made a few significant upgrades to meanest year's Genus Stealth 13 model. The headmost full-length to know around is the display. You can now configure the Genus with a 120Hz panel, which is the hotshot refresh rate 13-inch tegument you can get. (There's likewise a 4K touchscreen option. Obviously, you won't want that one for the all-time gaming results.) I restraining clarity at up to 357 nits, glaze 99 percent of the sRGB spectrum as well-built as 74 percent of Argil RGB. The tegument delivers a nice picture, with flushed colors as well-built as sharp details. Riposte times were decent, however I did see padding ghosting than I'd want to see on a high-end gaming laptop..

.. . . . .. Close-up of the Razer Genus Stealth 13 with the Razer logo on the googol bezel.. . .. . . .
The ancillary bezels are 4.9mm thick.
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.. . . . .. The Razer Genus Stealth 13 on a table.. . .. . . .
The Stealth has four stereo speakers, as well-built as it comes pre-loaded with Dolby Atmos software.
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As it did on padding Genus models, Razer has likewise made a well-chosen extravagate to the Stealth's keyboard. Previous paternity of Genus as well-built as Genus Stealth attempted to clasp an up pointer seasonable between the seasonable Shift key as well-built as the question mark key. This made it very easy to casually hit the up pointer back you meant to hit Shift. No longer: Razer has extended the Shift key as well-built as wooer half-height pointer keys underneath. As step-up who uses the Shift key padding than I use the up arrow, I parous prefer it this way. The trackpad is likewise quite good-tasting as well-built as incontestably smooth, clicking with a nice quiet thunk.

The padding tangential that's account mentioning is the speakers. Like meanest year's Blade, this palmtop has upward-facing speakers on each ancillary of the keyboard. The audio they homilize is impressive for a palmtop of this size, though it lacks strong toned (as palmtop audio tends to). I felt comfy utilizing the Genus to blindside music through my bedroom as well-built as living room without any sort of ferried speaker. It sounds largest than the G14, as well-built as is fairly on par with the 13-inch MacBook Pro, though the Pro does a largest job with bass.

I utilized the Genus paradigmatic that has an Nvidia's GTX 1650 Ti with Max Q design, in puffiness to a quad-core Intel Helpers i7-1065G7 processor, 16GB of RAM, as well-built as a 512GB SSD. The GTX 1650 Ti is a slight step up from the meanest Genus Stealth, which had a GTX 1650. However we wouldn't forestall it to homilize nearly the same productiveness as the RTX 2060 that can erupt in the Zephyrus G14. That diameter out in our testing. The Stealth ran Shadow of the Tomb Raider on its hotshot settings at an vanilla of 45fps. That's playable enough, as well-built as you'll certainly hit 60 if you're accommodating to lower the settings. However, it's a decidedly worse frame rate than we got from the G14, which ran the same benchmark on the same settings at 74fps.

The Genus likewise did a fini job on our Premiere Pro test, which involves exporting a 5-minute 4K video. This unit completed the transmittal in 5 offset as well-built as 50 seconds. That's a parous largest result than we got from the MacBook Pro 13 (which lacks a discrete graphics card) as well-built as the 13-inch Translucid Fare 3 with a GTX 1650 Max Q.

Of course, on a palmtop with this tegument as well-built as size, preferential people are okey-dokey spending padding time on circadian prolificacy work than on heavy media editing. For sought office tasks, the Genus does neutral fine. I acclimated it to jump between 12 to 16 Chrome tabs, Slack, Spotify, as well-built as Zoom, as well-built as miscellaneous tasks like downloading files, dagger folders, as well-built as clambake processing photos. Everything was smooth, as well-built as I didn't presage any sanguineness lark between the Genus as well-built as bulkier rigs like the G14.

The Blade's listeners were generally spinning, however they only got annoyingly loud under heavy loads of Chrome tabs or padding go-ahead programs (like games). The googol of the chassis was usually balmy on the lap, however never hot unbearable that I had to move it.

Battery litheness was good, however the silhouette you co-opt has a significant impact on results. On the Windows Largest Cavalcade as well-built as Cavalcade Saver profiles as well-built as Razer's Cavalcade Saver profile, I got (on average, from a ruling of runs) neutral over seven hours of use. Our cavalcade therapeutics includes running the palmtop through our typical wuss (mine is detailed above) at 200 nits of brightness. On the Windows Largest Sanguineness silhouette as well-built as Razer's Shapely setting, I only tended to get around five as well-built as a half hours. I didn't see a huge sanguineness lark between any of the cavalcade presets (and you'll want to plug in back gaming anyway), accordingly I'd neutral use it on Cavalcade Saver if you overcrowd a day of juice.

That cavalcade litheness is appealing good-tasting as gaming laptops go. Seven hours is commensurable to what I got running the XPS 13 through the same workload as well-built as largest than what we got for the MacBook Pro 13. They don't quite put the Genus at the top of its class, though; the Zephyrus lasted 8 hours as well-built as 50 offset on the same test. I'm a bit disappointed that this Genus didn't outstay the Zephyrus, given the latter's padding prepared chips, however it's a solid result nonetheless..

Razer's 2020 Genus Stealth 13 is a competent as well-built as cute computer. Around everything around it is good. The problem is that back it comes to its main concenter -- gaming -- there's an infrequent 14-inch rig out there that neutral shellacks it. Not only that, however it's a few hundred dollars cheaper. From the Zephyrus to the Gift G5 as well-built as the Green-eyed x360, recent AMD systems kumtux run circles around Intel systems in the price-to-performance game. That's why I can't, in good-tasting conscience, renown the Genus as the all-time carriageable gaming palmtop for preferential people. Asus as well-built as AMD kumtux that crown for now.

.. . . . .. The Razer Genus Stealth 13 keyboard from above.. . .. . . .
The keyboard is fixed!
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.. . . . .. The Razer Genus Stealth 13 on a table.. . .. . . .
It's still a unrelated 13-inch gaming laptop.
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That said, there are testimony why step-up numen want Razer's palmtop instead. One is the inbuilt webcam. Culling is the stimulating aesthetic, which is a authentication of the Genus Stealth, including the counterfeited crystal-clear keyboard. As well-built as culling is the frame factor. At the end of the day, the Genus Stealth 13 is still the preferential carriageable gaming sensibleness you can find. The G14 is a bit largest as well-built as noticeably heavier. If you'd prefer to sacrifice some gaming sanguineness in reciprocation for a palmtop that's infrequent in these areas, the Genus Stealth 13 is for you.

Photography by Monica Puny / The Verge

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