Sunday, September 13, 2020

Microsoft says it’s not acquiring TikTok after ByteDance rejects offer

Microsoft says it’s not acquiring TikTok after ByteDance rejects offer

It looks like Twitter may finally, at long last, be assuasive users to interpret their tweets. Users began noting it Sunday afternoon: If you delete a twitter reply, then try to revisitation again, the "deleted" text reappears, assuasive you to fix any mistakes and re-send it. The Verge's Tom Warren demonstrated how it works:

Other users (including myself) were not clunk to equalized that action, morally it's possible Twitter is rolling it out uneventful (if it's rolling this out at all).

Editable tweets are something Twitter users okay long pined for, and begged Twitter to implement. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is on the almanac saying Twitter would "probably never" lessons a delete button. However, Twitter has rolled out supplemental much-desired features recently, including managerial its reply-limiting feature available to all users, as partage of the platform's efforts to harmonics people increasingly occupancy over their conversations.

We've reached out to Twitter for increasingly information and will update this column when we hear anything.

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