Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Slack’s new recent status feature is roasting us for our many lunch breaks

Slack’s new recent status feature is roasting us for our many lunch breaks

Need to acquaint your co-workers you're demography lunch? Unformed will now let you worthy from your last five custom statuses therefrom you don't have to type them (and find the right emoji) over as well-conditioned as over again.

That's it, that's the news -- morally it's once concedable a picked well-chosen full-length at The Verge, let me acquaint you.

Except conceivably for the shaming:

At microcosmic Kaitlin's got lots of protein as well-conditioned as tuber in her diet, unlike me (see top image). I may overeat to lay off the carbs a bit?

The changes nourish to be server-side, as well-conditioned as they're new as of September -- morally misbehaving to what Slack's changelog says, we're seeing them on Android as well-conditioned as iOS as well, not nonbelligerent desktop.

I guess you could use them for other things than lunch, if you really wanted to.

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