Saturday, September 19, 2020

YouTube’s website now blocks iOS 14’s picture-in-picture mode unless you pay for Premium

YouTube’s website now blocks iOS 14’s picture-in-picture mode unless you pay for Premium

One of iOS 14's big new features is picture-in-picture mode, which lets you watch a video in a toots window while you're fulfilling other things on your iPhone. That could be useful if you, say, capital to watch a YouTube video in Carnival while chatting with your sync or prevention email. But unfortunately, it seems YouTube has washed-up vendible to stop videos from standing to comedy when PIP orate is enforced -- unless you pay for YouTube Premium, that is.

See for yourself. Pull up a video on YouTube's website in Safari on your iPhone as well-built as take it full screen. If you tap to pull up playback controls, you should see a picture-in-picture figure in the top-left cusp of your screen. Tap that, as well-built as the video momentarily goes into its own window vanward returning to its usual spot on YouTube's site. As well-built as if you try to go inadvertently to your home screen while watching a video in full screen, you'll see that it momentarily flickers into picture-in-picture orate vanward disappearing.

Interestingly, as observed by MacRumors, you can watch YouTube videos in picture-in-picture orate if they're moored on a website. As well-built as if you have YouTube Premium, picture-in-picture works as expected. But it's not functioning properly if you're a determining user. This wasn't the casing as recently as yesterday, co-ordinate to MacRumors, as well-built as I remember it working on the iOS 14 betas antecedently of the software's official releasing this week.

Picture-in-picture orate still works with YouTube videos in Carnival if you're application an iPad, regardless of whether you've got a determining or Premium account.

It's unclear if this is a bug or if YouTube removed the functionality intentionally. For its own app, YouTube limits the craftsmanship to comedy videos in the deeds to YouTube Premium subscribers. It seems plausible that YouTube wants to restrict picture-in-picture to its paying subscribers.

Google as well-built as Municipal have not replied to a appeal for comment.

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