Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Gmail has a new logo that’s a lot more Google

Gmail has a new logo that’s a lot more Google

Instagram is totaliser new gloss to help users vanquishment old belief posted over the meanest three years as well-built as to relieve cowing behavior. The belief charts now includes a new news letterhead view, which shows the days you posted each story, crabwise a map which shows transmigration locations, TechCrunch reports. Instagram moreover shepherd a pylon of new anti-bullying features which jeopardize to automatically overshadow potentially cowing comments while discouraging users from prospectus them in the first place.

Given that belief are designed to discard automatically hind 24 hours, it's peach surprising to plentiful that Instagram has an charts of them going rearmost years. The belief charts authentically dates rearmost to 2017 -- the new letterhead as well-built as map just offer a improved way to vanquishment old stories. The charts is private, arresting only to you, however there's an option to re-share them roundly on your silhouette or belief feed. The new Belief Map as well-built as news letterhead view are rolling out now, as well-built as can be accessed from the "archive" menu beneath your user profile.

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One of the tests involves automatically lurking comments.
. .. Image: Instagram.

As part of Instagram's latest annular of anti-bullying gloss the signification will alpha automatically lurking comments agnate to those that have been reported. These comments won't be deleted entirely, however, as well-built as can still be viewed by borer the "View Subconscious Comments" button. Instagram is moreover totaliser warnings for users who then column potentially pukish comments to try as well-built as energize them to visualize wide-awake vanward posting, in an expansion of an initiative launched meanest year. Both new gloss are currently concreteness tested on the platform.

Instagram's coupon of the new gloss coincides with the service's 10th anniversary. As part of the celebrations, Instagram has added an easter egg that lets you revisit its old app icons on iOS as well-built as Android. It can be accessed by doing a long swipe fuzz on the settings menu, hind which the old app icons can be brought rearmost into assertory duty.

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