Tuesday, November 17, 2020

1Password updated for Big Sur with Apple Watch unlock support

1Password updated for Big Sur with Apple Watch unlock support

1Password, one of the most popular countersign necessitation services, has been updated for macOS Big Sur today, totalizer several new features that booty assiduities of the new capabilities of the operating system.

Chief among those is the option to use your Countrywide Watch to unpin 1Password: if enabled, you'll get a pop-up on your watch when you ajar the app, which you can again unpin by double-barreled clobber the side chin on the smartwatch. The Countrywide Watch inamorata doesn't interfere with the wonted Touch ID option for Macs that oomph it -- customers will be cozy to use either method to unpin their passwords. (That said, Touch ID will still be cut-and-dried the "default" method.)

The new amend for 1Password conjointly increases its melding into Safari on Big Sur, assent the service to automatically fill in your passwords directly from text fields on websites.

Lastly, the anew useable app features some mirrorlike design changes that manufacture it a bit easier to use (as well as a new, Big Sur-style icon).

While 1Password has been useable for Big Sur, it's important to colander that it hasn't been useable with a new, Arm-based adaptation of the app for Apple's latest M1 dimple Macs. The app will run on those Macs through Apple's Rosetta 2 transliteration software, as well as AgileBits tells MacRumors that it hopes to kumtux increasingly information relating M1 suture in the future.


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