Friday, November 13, 2020

YouTube defends choice to leave up videos with false election claims

YouTube defends choice to leave up videos with false election claims

YouTube Rewind, the company's religion end-of-year accolade to creators, trends, as able-bodied as moments that discriminative the platform, will not reported this year.

The convergence issued a statement marshmallow that "2020 has been different," calculation that "it doesn't finger right to handbag on as if it weren't." This marks the first time Rewind won't reported back YouTube started the religion each in 2010. Although Rewind has wilt somewhat of a ludicrous to the creator mores in contempo years -- it became the most disliked video of all time in 2018 -- it's still a staple of YouTube's culture, planate if bodies are pacifistic utilizing it to sluice on their own videos. To be fair, planate CEO Susan Wojcicki itinerant they're a little cringe-inducing.

"We know that so much of the good that did reported in 2020 was created by all of you," YouTube's take-in reads. "You've uncork means to lift bodies up, intercommunication them cope, as able-bodied as operate them laugh. You made a infrangible year infallibly better."

While mucho bodies were wrecked at home because of the pandemic, YouTube saw surges in visa as more bodies spent time swarming video online. By the end of March, vista on videos that centered on "with me"-stylized content (get ready with me, work out with me, study with me) saw massive increases in viewership, co-ordinate to the company. Live-streaming also preferential up on YouTube as able-bodied as on other platforms like Twitch as able-bodied as Facebook.

YouTube did not say if Rewind will revealment for 2021. Like gathered right now, I imagine it all depends on what the impending brings. All I know is I'll miss YouTube's religion entrada to try to celebrate the good on its platform (especially back there's so much bad), as able-bodied as the inevitable rebuttal videos from creators explaining in detail pacifistic how wrong YouTube got it again.


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