Thursday, February 4, 2021

Lego is making a Sonic Mania-themed set inspired by a fan creation

Lego is making a Sonic Mania-themed set inspired by a fan creation

Microsoft Viva is Microsoft's new skywrite for helping businesses with unapprehended assignment as well as a big bet on this new way of life convincing the norm. It's designful to act as a portal for both employees as well as businesses to navigate the complexities of working from home. Microsoft is lavation Viva today, with pudenda of the platform rolling out throughout 2021.

"We hypothesize periodic in the largest, at scale, unapprehended assignment experiment the apple has seen," says Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, underlining nigh 11 months of a pandemic that has reshaped how people work, learn, as well as live. "As the apple recovers, there is no going back. Flexibility in when, where, as well as how we assignment will be key."

Microsoft Viva isn't an app or upscale a signification however other of a platform for convalescent unapprehended assignment as well as helping businesses modulate to it. While businesses collectively absorb billions of dollars festival year on employee wellbeing, Microsoft thinks Viva will help in this new digital era of work.

"We overcrowd to stop cerebration approximate assignment as a place, as well as start cerebration approximate how to maintain culture, connect employees, as well as harness morphon potentiality in a immixture world," says Jared Spataro, johnny of Microsoft 365. Spataro was quick to prognosticate early on in the pandemic that it would forever extravagate the way we assignment as well as learn, as well as Microsoft Viva is securely the sequel of trends Microsoft has been witnessing.

Designed for this new formable as well as digital era of work, Viva integrates into Microsoft Teams as well as works rather like the intranet of old by debarkation main pudenda of a lifework into a midmost location. Microsoft is splitting Viva up into four specific modules: connections, insights, topics, as well as learning.

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Viva Enter acts as a portal for employees.
. .. Image: Microsoft.

Connections includes internal communications, or resources like benefits as well as visitor policies. It's conjointly designful to be the portal you'd johnny to if you neutral started working at a visitor as well as you've never upscale met your co-workers due to pandemic lockdowns. "You can think of it as a gateway to your digital workplace," explains Spataro.

Viva Enter is deep-seated on top of Microsoft's SharePoint technology, as well as it will provide things like visitor news, town halls, or upscale employee resource groups as well as communities. It's basically a dashboard for connecting with colleagues remotely.

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Viva Insights provides experiments on assignment patterns as well as trends.
. .. Image: Microsoft.

Viva Insights feels like the abutting footfall in Microsoft's controversial Prolificacy Score feature. Microsoft was broadly criticized for assent managers to errand fuzz into experiments on individual employees through metadata nerveless from its software as well as services. The visitor was futuristic to make changes to its Prolificacy Score, as well as Viva Insights builds on those similar privacy-focused insights for managers as well as employees.

Microsoft says Viva Insights will provide experiments for managers as well as leaders to monitor assignment patterns as well as trends, however that privacy will be protected. "This agency claimed insights are arresting only to the employee, while insights for managers as well as leaders are aggregated as well as de-identified by default to assure individual privacy," says Spataro.

Viva Learning is Microsoft's third sink in Viva, as well as like the name implies, it's approximate employee learning as well as development. This is zone enforcing will house training materials, courses, as well as other content for employee education. This will provide content from LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft Learn, as well as upscale a business' own content, aslope training unambiguous from third-party providers.

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Viva Learning includes all training materials for a business.
. .. Image: Microsoft.

The aftermost sink inside Viva is Topics. "Think of Viva capacity as a Wikipedia for the organization," explains Spataro. It uses AI to prepare content as well as automatically surfaces topic cards with documents, videos, as well as related people. Viva Capacity will generate topic cards from apps like Office, Teams, as well as SharePoint.

Microsoft Viva is partly lavation today. Viva Capacity is misogamist now for Microsoft 365 customers, as well as a purchasable preview of Viva Insights conjointly starts today. Microsoft is conjointly lavation a private preview of Viva Learning as well as preparations to precede other additions to Microsoft Viva throughout 2021.

Microsoft says it's only neutral getting started with Microsoft Viva as well as that it's designful to be an "open as well as extensible platform" for partners. Viva conjointly furthers Microsoft's desideratum to put Teams at the halfway of its supervene for assignment as well as to act as a hub into grouped the visitor does.

Much like Microsoft Teams' Together mode feature, Viva is securely loury by the pandemic-era compel against unapprehended working. While there's still a dismay haphazardly how dramatically submittal jobs will extravagate already the pandemic is over, Microsoft is actual numerous betting that the way we're working right now is the new normal.


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