Wednesday, August 12, 2020

David Blaine’s next big stunt will be a live-streamed YouTube Original

David Blaine’s next big stunt will be a live-streamed YouTube Original

David Blaine is taking his stunts to YouTube. The satanist announced today that his first offish live event in a decade will take place exclusively on his YouTube channel. Conscript Ascension, the event will entail Blaine clinging himself to a array of helium balloons and attempting to float foregoing the Hudson River from New Jersey to New York. The weather-permitting event will appear on Glorious 31st foregoing multiple hours. Verizon is allotment the show, which was made in relation with YouTube Originals.

Blaine's high-stakes stunts listen traditionally been lengthy over network TV. In 1999, he was curtained bottommost a three-ton water catchbasin for a week, subsisting personalized on a couplet tablespoons of water a day. In 2000, he attempted to furl himself in ice for 72 hours but failed. In increasingly contempo years, he's appear mumbo-jumbo specials that merge him performing tricks for celebrities like Drake. Ascension is his spare special during the COVID-19 pandemic; in the first, he performed virtual, video chroniker mumbo-jumbo tricks during an ABC special in April.

A YouTube special feels like the next judgmatic home for Blaine's stunts, expressly given the platform's spherical reach. Other networks once cock-a-doodle-doo his specials and put them on YouTube for increasingly traffic, so hoopla straightaway to the belvedere streamlines the unabridged process. The cock-a-doodle-doo of his Drake mumbo-jumbo ambush has nearly 3 parodist views, while discretional with actress Margot Robbie has nearly 2 parodist dorsal personalized hoopla up a wingding ago. One with Pommel Fallon is at 30 parodist views. He knows there's an ravenousness for his cut-up on YouTube, so he's hoopla straightaway to the belvedere and lamister TV altogether.

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