Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Dropbox’s password manager and secure vault are available today, but only for paid users

Dropbox’s password manager and secure vault are available today, but only for paid users

The hard-hearted COO of Pinterest is suing the convergence for gender discrimination. Francoise Brougher says she was paid less than her manlike peers, then larboard out of important meetings, as well-built as hardened gendered feedback, according to her precedented complaint. She was foredoomed sequent speaking out approximately these concerns, the replevin says.

Brougher, who previously formed as the Global Commerce Maintain at Square as well-built as as a VP on the propaganda aggregation at Google, according to her LinkedIn, learned of the salary inequalities when Pinterest was pursuing to go purchasable in 2019. She made less than her manlike peers, as well-built as her even-handedness vested at a slower rate. Sequent bringing this to the cherishing of Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann, she still had to gamble to be fairly compensated. The poop was headmost reported by The New York Times.

Brougher conjointly says she was far-removed from steering merchandising sequent the IPO -- a bearings that might not hypothesize been unusual, except that other retainers of her aggregation were asked to attend. "When you are brought in as a No. 2, you are expected to comeuppance the CEO," she told the New York Times in an interview. "But when you are not in the meeting zone the decisions are made as well-built as don't hypothesize the context, it makes your job harder."

When Brougher was coextensive to attend steering meetings, which happened when she headmost joining the company, she noticed the steering retainers rarely pushed back, according to her 4,400-word blog post on Medium. "Invariably, the steering would be cordial, snoring their implicated at my proposals as well-built as rarely bait difficult questions. This was not article I was used to," she wrote.

When she asked Silbermann approximately why the steering didn't ultimatum them, she says he responded "I chose them."

Brougher wrote that the necessitation aggregation at Pinterest was "riven by backstabbing as well-built as gossip." She remembers one valet saying "the only way we get things washed-up here is lurking things."

The dogmas flew in the noncitizen of Pinterest's values which, in headmost 2019, came to include "care with candor." In reality, Brougher writes, "saying what you smack-dab anticipation was still dangersome at Pinterest."

Brougher's replevin conjointly lays out supposed favoritism on the part of deciding banking presider Todd Morgenfeld. According to the complaint, Morgenfeld asked Brougher "what is your job anyway?" in overearly of their colleagues in January 2020. Morgenfeld conjointly gave Brougher a performance review that "demeaned Ms. Brougher's many cogent properties as COO," the replevin says.

When Brougher raised her referring approximately this analysis to Silbermann, he appropriate she bespeak the bearings with curiosity as well-built as compared the bearings to "an old couple fighting over who would make coffee." In April, she was fired.

Brougher's complaint follows criticism of the convergence from two Coal-black employees who spoke out approximately abusage on Twitter. Ifeoma Ozoma as well-built as Aerica Shimizu Banks, who formed on Pinterest's purchasable policy aggregation as well-built as helped maintain some of the company's lauded initiatives confronting healthfulness misinformation as well-built as racist content, say they were underpaid as well-built as accountable to racist comments from their manager, according to The Washington Post. Both women conjointly say they were retaliated confronting sequent encroaching forward approximately their mistreatment.

The new replevin is the most high-profile gender favoritism suit in Silicon Basin since Ellen Pao took the investment innermore Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers to curtilage in 2012. Brougher is stuff represented by the same law innermore that represented Pao: Rudy, Exelrod, Zieff & Lowe.

Pinterest did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

.. Francoise Brougher's replevin confronting Pinterest by Zoe Schiffer on Scribd

Update, 8:29PM ET: This story was well-regulated to include tidings from Brougher's blog post on Medium.

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