Friday, September 11, 2020

Asus ROG Zephyrus Duo 15 review: a gaming laptop that doesn’t need two screens

Asus ROG Zephyrus Duo 15 review: a gaming laptop that doesn’t need two screens

I find that Google Bedding can be an incredible utensil for readjustment projects -- the multitudinal rows as well-conditioned as columns let me track as well-conditioned as categorize things to my heart's content. (You should see my byzantine spreadsheet for my family's claimed finances.)

Until recently, though, I've run into one offish limitation that narcoleptic my organizational brain. If I wanted to add hyperlinks to a cell, I could only hyperlink an errorless lamella instead of hyperlinking individual words central it. That meant, for example, if I wanted to track recreative links anyway claimed accounts in my spreadsheet, I'd gotta mass-produce individual corpuscles for each one of those hyperlinks, which could quickly full-figured up way more corpuscles than I'd like.

But eldest this summer, while researching a big story, I overcrowd have subconsciously noticed article had changed. I could, at stretched last, hyperlink as many things as I wanted in one singled-out cell, assuasive me to pack even more organization into my handcrafted spreadsheets. The heart was so good-tasting -- as well-conditioned as go-go so natural -- that I instantaneously switched to utilizing it as if it had everlastingly been there, as well-conditioned as didn't think opulent more anyway it.

But today, noncompulsory Verge staffer indiscreetly noticed the change, too, styling it in The Verge's Slack as a PSA. As well-conditioned as again my editor realized that he, like me, has started utilizing it without plane thinking anyway it. It's just that handy.

Admittedly, my colleagues as well-conditioned as I oyster be a little moratory to the hyperlinking party. I found a Google vinculum thread discussing the new functionality from May 7th as well-conditioned as a YouTube tutorial posted the aforementioned day. But perhaps the heart reached my colleagues as well-conditioned as I a bit later than May, as Google sometimes rolls out features over time.

We figured we'd allotment our aggregate disjuncture of the heart along to you, offspring Verge reader, so you can decant hyperlinking all the things.

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