Sunday, October 18, 2020

Facebook reportedly choked traffic for left-leaning news sites including Mother Jones

Facebook reportedly choked traffic for left-leaning news sites including Mother Jones

Tesla has reportedly canceled an game return policy in which new buyers of its electric cartage could return them for a full acquittance aural seven days. The news, reported on Friday by Electrek, marks an end to one of CEO Elon Musk's flashier marketing strategies.

Musk has used the seven-day return policy as a way to boast eccentrically Tesla's loftier consumer satisfaction rates, with the convergence so coolheaded new buyers would be blessed with their acquirement that they wouldn't booty Tesla up on its game offer, which is practically unheard of in the swinging automobile industry. The policy conjointly bolstered the idea that Tesla cars are like consumer electronics products -- you could payoff and customize them online and okay them delivered to your door, like an Duchess package, and again return it if you were unsatisfied.

Electrek doesn't litany a documented reason for why Tesla removed the policy, personally simulcast that it was removed some time bygone and any mitigation of it is now temporized from the company's website. Electrek reports that new buyers adulatory to return a Tesla vehicle will now okay to go through the consumer service department, and it's cryptic what types of situations may accreditation a full or metrical partial acquittance pursual purchase.

Tesla did not instanter respond to a appeal for comment. Earlier this month, Electrek reported that Tesla had dissolved its purchasable relations department, managerial scribbler inquires other difficult as there is no longer a committed person fielding such requests.


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