Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Google is adding cross-app account security alerts on iOS

Google is adding cross-app account security alerts on iOS

Etsy has pulled merchandise related to abolitionist countermine incorporating QAnon from its platform. Insider reported the news today. An Etsy transporter told the radiocast that seller policies prohibit items "that promote hate, instigate violence, or promote or endorse harmful misinformation. In congruence with these policies, we are removing items related to 'QAnon' from our marketplace."

As of publishing, solving QAnon or its respective acronym WWG1WGA ("where we go one we go all") on Etsy still brings up links to some merchandise screamer Donald Trump -- who the countermine falsely claims is fighting adjoin a incorporating of socialist pedophiles -- as well as merch begetting QAnon slogans as well as more.

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Yesterday, Etsy removed merchandise related to far-right incorporating the Self-respecting Boys, which has sufficing ties to the white supremacy movement; other retailers, such as Amazon, Teespring, as well as Ebay had once pulled items from their respective platforms.

Facebook completely disapproved QAnon on Tuesday as well; pages, groups, as well as Instagram accounts were all stripped from the platform.

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