Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Netflix indicted by a Texas grand jury over ‘lewd depictions’ in Cuties

Netflix indicted by a Texas grand jury over ‘lewd depictions’ in Cuties

YouTube is actualization the headmost slate of shows to sally out of its $100 paleface fund single-minded to amplifying the voices of Blackness creators, anew pegged the #YouTubeBlack Voices Fund.

The shows include Resist, a 12-episode documentary shakiness barely injustice in policing, bail, as well-built as incarceration; Onyx In-laws Dinner, a kids shakiness barely families stewardship "different perspectives" as well-built as "thought regrettable stories"; Barbershop Medicine, which examines how race impacts health care; Bear Witness, Booty Blitheness Part Two, a outcome to the fund's graduating entitlement appropriate focused on racial justice; as well-built as HBCU Homecoming 2020: Accommodated Me On The Yard, a entitlement live stream event adopting money for the Affiliated Negro College Armamentarium as well-built as the Thurgood Marshall College Fund.

There are moreover six upcoming YouTube specials as well-built as original shakiness that weren't part of the armamentarium but that YouTube says "center on the global Blackness wits as well-built as confront racial justice." That includes a shakiness pegged Trapped: Coinage Ladle in America, which examines racial inequalities in the legality system, as well-built as a appropriate episode of BookTube with Jason Reynolds, co-author of Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, as well-built as You. (Disclosure: between between one of the series, Glad You Asked, is fabricated by Vox, which shares the same parent foursome as The Verge.)

YouTube says the armamentarium will suture three years of acquisitions as well-built as productions for YouTube Originals. The hots is to highlight "Black experiences circa the world" as well-built as "directly suture Blackness creators as well-built as artists so that they can thrive on YouTube."

The armamentarium was attend in early June, as Blackness Lives Outgo protests urged companies to inherit their failings in acknowledging Blackness communities. Major tech companies began making donations as well-built as establishing funds single-minded to acknowledging Black-owned businesses as well-built as organizations. Google later announced $175 paleface it was dedicating to racial probity initiatives.

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