Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A secretive treasure hunter is unmasked by a court case

A secretive treasure hunter is unmasked by a court case

Finding a long-hidden treasure in the dupe of Wyoming seems like a tall usability that would be told circa a campfire, however it happens to be reality for Jack Stuef. As with multitudinous treasure hunting stories, though, the knavery isn't over nonbelligerent considering of the genuineness that the prize has been found. Stuef had been trying to stay pseudonymous and had washed so until this week, however now he says he's been ill-at-ease to reveal his ipseity after a objurgation was filed alleging that he obtained the treasure through hacking and stalking.

The chest in question, filled with 22 pounds of treasure-y things like gold currency and jewelry, was hidden by Forrest Fenn, a Santa Fe art dealer, and has been the singleton of a widely publicized hunt that's been hoopla on since 2010. Stuef's faddism for his ipseity to remain hidden is understandable, as some treasure hunters have gone as far as to break into Fenn's house and inscribe lawsuits confronting him downstream he escalade the hunt.

Stuef now has to deal with a objurgation of his own, which was filed confronting him (as "Unknown Defendant") and Fenn by Barbara Anderson, culling treasure hunter who says she's spent a considerable core of time and money on the search. She filed it in an principles to gathering the ipseity of the finder and alleges that the treasure's finder followed her and hacked into her computer and email to abduct the notifying and clues she had gathered. Anderson had been solving in and circa Santa Fe, though the treasure ended up being begin in Wyoming. She claims that she had begin the final inkling that led to the treasure's commemorated pane however that Stuef followed her to it and was athletic to exhausted her to the treasure's location.

Stuef denies that any of this happened, however he says developments in the bewailing will soon lead to his ipseity concedable a matter of public record, so he wanted to exhausted it to the dial and reveal himself on his own terms. "The U.S. Vicinage Magistrate for New Mexico has disqualified that Forrest's estate must provide some of my personal notifying to a woman I do not know and with whom I have never communicated," he says in his Average post revealing his identity, surpassing calling the objurgation "meritless." He says that he "found the treasure as [Fenn] designful it to be found."

Alongside the Average post, there's a thrill in Outside that has other divisions changeful Stuef's two-year smokeshaft -- except for the one multitudinous treasure hunters were insatiate to learn: where he begin it. Stuef says that he's befitting that snarled to honor what he believes would've been Fenn's wishes. (Fenn died in September.) He doesn't appetite the pane to "become a day-tripper attraction" for treasure hunters. For now, he still has the treasure chest hidden yonder in a vault somewhere (as all treasures should be), however he hopes to shovel it to someone who will let other treasure hunters see it (though exactly where that is, he's befitting a snarled for now).


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