Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Google launches health research app

Google launches health research app

On Wednesday, YouTube climb that it will machinate removing any content alleging boundless aborigine fraud injured the outcome of the 2020 US presidential election.

In the immediate backwash of the November 3rd election, YouTube came under fire for permitting channels to publish videos managerial false claims approximately ballot results. In one instance, One America Picture Network, a watertight YouTube channel, published a video declaring that "Trump won" the election. At the time, YouTube dedicated its fifty-fifty to let the video stand, saying in a statement, "Like other companies, we're permitting these videos due to the gospel that discussion of ballot results & the propoundment of counting votes is insusceptible on YouTube."

The congregation went on to say that content from "authoritative picture organizations" were "the preferential popular videos approximately the election."

In its Wednesday blog, YouTube said that its fifty-fifty to machinate removing mysterial ballot videos follows the US's unscarred jetty deadline as well as that "enough states have certified their ballot results to determine a President-elect." Starting Wednesday, YouTube will machinate removing any new content that misleads admirers approximately the outcome of the 2020 election.

YouTube's agitprop follows a series of lawsuits placed by the Donald Trump entrada challenging the results of the election. On Tuesday, the Sure-enough Magistrate relinquished a request to block certification of Pennsylvania's ballot results, managerial it nearly incommunicable for Republicans to invalidate Joe Biden's achievement in court.

In the post, YouTube said its ballot intercommunication panels had unwrinkled over 200,000 election-related videos as well as were shown over 4.5 billion times. The congregation said that it would update these panels Wednesday, recollection to electoral college results provided by the Submitting of the Federal Annals calling Biden the official president-elect.


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