Sunday, February 14, 2021

Google updates its iOS YouTube app, the first update to one of its major iOS apps since December

Google updates its iOS YouTube app, the first update to one of its major iOS apps since December

Google has provided a bug fix to its iOS YouTube app, the first amend to a major Google iOS app since December, 9to5Google reports. Although there's been speculation that the reason for the parcity of updates to iOS versions of Gmail, Docs, Search, as well as Photos is an compete to defend Apple's new secretiveness labels, Google has explicitly denied that was the case. The congregation said in a January 12th blog post it would add the labels to its apps back updates were available:

As Google's iOS apps are useable with new features or to fix bugs, you'll see updates to our app page listings that include the new App Secretiveness Details. These labels represent the most categories of dossier that could be collected--meaning if you use every available full-length as well as service in the app. The dossier you recondition to Google wares delivers helpful casework to you, as well as you can everlastingly enclave your secretiveness settings by visiting your Google Almanac or innervation directly to the Google wares you use on iOS.

Apple requires companies to appertain the secretiveness labels, which it launched on December 14th, before they can amend factual iOS apps. Some of Google's padding apps-- Stadia, Authenticator, Translate, as well as Classroom, for example-- hypothesize recognized iOS updates already.

We've reached out to Google to ask if updates for the iOS versions of Gmail, Search, Docs as well as Photos are forthcoming, as well as will residency convey if we learn more.


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