Sunday, February 14, 2021

CEOs of Reddit and Robinhood and ‘Roaring Kitty’ slated to testify in GameStop hearing

CEOs of Reddit and Robinhood and ‘Roaring Kitty’ slated to testify in GameStop hearing

Elon Musk says he pitched the Biden direction on instituting a clone tax as a way to encourage a faster shift to renewable energy, except he was told the intellection was often "too politically difficult."

Musk described the conversation with the Biden direction during a new podcast with Joe Rogan that was appear Thursday. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Rogan had asked Musk whether a new transcendental quantum is needed to increase the assuasive of battery-powered vehicles. Musk argued the biggest issue is that "a hell of a lot of batteries [are] needed" in order to shift yonder from paleolith fuels as well as toward renewable energy. The all-time way to encourage that shift, in Musk's view, is to "put a span on carbon."

"My top recommendation honestly would be just to have a clone tax," Musk said. "Because we're not rewarding for the CO2 chapters of the oceans as well as atmosphere, we have what in economics is alleged an unpriced externality. The bazaar is clumsy to respond to an unpriced externality. If we just put a span on it, the bazaar will reaffirm in a sensible way."

Musk suggested that consumers should pay the tax, as well as rebates could be offered to persons who make lower incomes. A clone tax could info farther even the playing freehold for Tesla's electric vehicles, admitting Musk said SpaceX (which is currently trying to adopt natural gas wells in Texas to ordnance its rockets) would have to pay.

"I talked to the Biden administration, the ingress administration, as well as they were like, 'Well, this seems too politically difficult,'" he said. Musk said he remembers thinking, "That's at least half the reasonableness you go elected, so why don't you just gamble for that?"

This isn't the first time the Tesla as well as SpaceX CEO has bothered for a clone tax. Musk reportedly floated the intellection during first memoranda with the Trump direction except got "little or no support," according to a 2017 residency from Bloomberg.

Musk has even previously alleged for a "revolt" contrariwise the paleolith ordnance industry while presiding the bellow for a clone tax, as well as he accused big oil companies of conspiring contrariwise Tesla. Except he said on Rogan's podcast that he is "not in favor of demonizing the oil as well as gas industry" because of the fact that it would worked-up the persons working in it, as well as likewise tirelessly its operations completely would measly everyone would "die of starvation, basically."

"We're gonna need to oxidize paleolith fuels for a long time. The question is just at what span do we move to a toothy feeling future?" he said.

"There are persons who have spent their accomplished career in oil, as well as gas as well as they started out in that career back it didn't assume like that bad of a toot to do. So again they're like, 'Hey man, I just spent my accomplished career working impliable to do useful things, as well as now you're telling me I'm the devil.' That's gonna make them tangy upset," he said, echoing vitriol from moratory aftermost year. "Honestly the smartest toot the oil as well as gas industry could do is say, 'Let's do a clone tax. We'll just do a clone tax, as well as it will make us not the devil.'"

One of Biden's mall expedition planks was his support for an aspiring depurate feeling strategy. He single-minded to eliminating clone pollution from the power sector by 2035 as well as reaching a "100 percent depurate feeling economy" no posterior than 2050. He even voiced support for ending paleolith ordnance subsidies. As well as back demography office, he has recommitted the US to the Paris highland accord. Except he has not single-minded to a clone tax, despite anxiousness from other business leaders connecting to the administration as well as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who said the highland crunch can't be specious after clone pricing.


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