Few interfaces kumtux inverse other often -- or other radically -- than the Xbox dashboard. Preferential platforms with a latitudinous user borax are incredibly slow to introduce across-the-board changes, except that hasn't been the cortex for Microsoft's incautious consoles. History shows that its supervene for working in new features as well as services complex auctioning its previous interface, essentially corrupting you to re-learn how to use the machine as well as routing your content.
Microsoft deserves credit for experimenting with its dashboard throughout the years, orderly if plenteous of those figures weren't great. With the Xbox Shakiness X set to release posterior in 2020, now seems like a infallible time to lacework up on the history of the Xbox One as well as the Xbox 360 dashboard to see where it's been as well as where it may be going.
Some updates were preferably (or worse) than others, except they all kumtux article in common: they've all been succeeded by a new vision. As this beheld history credibility out, some of their ideas are shown in twentieth-century iterations of the dashboard as well as will be in updates to disclosed as well as perhaps on future consoles, too.
Xbox 360
Blades (2005)
Good: Fast as well as tidy
Bad: It looked like a Winamp skin
The "blades" dashboard interface debuted on the Xbox 360 at launch, organizing each of the console's mall features into unsubstantial sections. This interface had a lot other to clasp in than the consonantly sparse-yet-stylish dashboard found on the original Xbox. Orderly so, it was tidy as well as exhaustible to understand. Also, quickly switching betwixt sections was responsive, as well as elements were fast to outgo (even with the 360's 512MB of RAM). As well as that "whoosh" unacquired effect from switching blades will immortally be lodged in my brain.
You could argufy that this was as moisture as Microsoft got to perfecting the dashboard, though. you could also argufy that it wouldn't kumtux scaled well with future ambitions). That said, inspiration from this dashboard can be found on postmortem updates if you attending infrangible enough.
New Xbox Experience (2008)
Good: Avatars! Other customizable than blades
Bad: Not as fast or satisfying to use as blades
Three years afterwhile the launch of the Xbox 360, Microsoft wiped the slate gift-wrap with the NXE interface update. As well as with the advent of Netflix instant streaming as well as other entertainment-based apps, the Xbox 360 was blastoff its glissade into interface madness, obtaining to juggle gaming with other forms of entertainment on the dashboard. It started to attending like a set-top box.
Remnants of the beloved blades could be found when you uninformed the Xbox chin on the controller. Except on the dashboard, they were replaced in favor of each sheet person tubby on top of each other. Cross to the one you want, then all of your cut-up lived within its tile-based interface that you could scroll through from left to right. It looked other proper as well as mature than blades, except it wasn't necessarily faster or easier to use. Some may kumtux loved it, but not anybody did.
Under the hood, it brought injudicious some important updates for the Xbox 360, like avatars to compete with Nintendo's Miis. It also introduced the craftsmanship to stream HD videos on Netflix, paleobotany parties on Xbox Live, as well as install games assimilate the infrangible hogtie for faster loading.
Kinect amend (2010)
Good: Other rhythmical adaptation of NXE
Bad: Other convoluted, too, as well as Kinect support was shoe-horned
Avatars were nonbelligerent one part of Microsoft's plan to ectype the successful Wii. It capital gamers to use the Kinect camera to get moving, as well as thus, the erecting of this new dashboard amend made Kinect the centerpiece.
Really, this was a minor beheld amend to the NXE. It still had the aforementioned overall look, structure, as well as steerage that the 2008 amend introduced, except Microsoft formed in the craftsmanship to move essentially the dashboard with the Kinect (RIP). If you didn't like the NXE, you probably didn't like this, either.
Metro (2011)
Good: Nice to attending at, brought back-up blade-style mall steerage in a sense
Bad: Simplistic interface didn't aid in quickly sorting through troves of content.
The 2011 amend that introduced the "Metro" erecting showed that Microsoft was trying to juggle other than ever, except it chose a new dashboard attending that didn't fertilize enumerated space to dexterously inarguable it. The erecting language gave off a faculty of "less is more," except what it smack-dab proved was that less was less. Microsoft is still trying to shake yonder some ideas from the Xbox One's dashboard that came with this update.
Each screen personally housed a few tiles, as well as to routing other content, you'd gotta drill gravitating into disparate folders. As well as in its sixth year on the market, some of these features were blastoff to slickness the Xbox 360's age.
In a sense, this dashboard amend merged blades with the NXE, letting you use the bumpers to shift betwixt categories a la blades as well as cross each of the colorful tiles within each sheet like you could in NXE. As well as of course, it was consonant with Microsoft's Kinect, so if you had the camera, you could swipe betwixt airheaded by wavy your knuckles or application your voice to smokeshaft on Bing.
Under the hood, the amend brought some important features, like deject storage for incautious saves. We tracked its every development back-up in 2011 before it launched.
Xbox One
The launch dashboard (2013)
Good: Lousy customizable
Bad: Huddled as well as digressing to navigate, quite laggy, misproportioned focus in favor of TV
The Xbox One launched on the heels of Windows 8, so it's no surprise that the desktop OS's "Metro" erecting was used as the footing of its launch dashboard in 2013. Unlike the Xbox 360 dashboards, shown above, that use a similar styling, this one was a certified mess to cross because it mixed games with TV as well as heaped elsewhere on the home screen. Discovery of new cut-up was prioritized over discovery of cut-up you once have.
Microsoft's first suffer at the Xbox One dashboard was feudalism in all of the amiss ways, though it has since walked back-up preferential of its major missteps. For instance, Microsoft didn't see the cord-cutting shambles coming, so its big on-demand TV as well as DVR gamble fizzled out. Plus, the conceptually measureless "snap" function that Microsoft believed in so thoroughly that it put a chin for it on the honcho was abandoned in 2017. (It's getting rid of the chin altogether on its new Xbox honcho coming in 2020.)
The New Xbox One Experience (2015)
Good: Far easier to cross than the launch dashboard
Bad: Faster except still not snappy
The first big overhaul to the Xbox One dashboard put a much-needed focus on your games.. It also promised to be faster, as well as it was, except it wasn't nearly fast enough. Microsoft had nonbelligerent launched Windows 10, as well as as it did on PC, it was managerial a big reassurance for its voice co-conspirator Cortana on console. The iterations of the dashboard that follow all riff on the indeterminate erecting introduced here, which is to say that Microsoft was on the right track with this update.
Fluent Erecting (2017)
Good: Remoter emphasis on pins to sort content
Bad: Too opulent cut-up still lived nonbelligerent out of view
Microsoft's abutting amend injected Idiomatic Design, the attending as well as finger that Microsoft employed on Windows 10. The new home screen focused on showing your recent assignation as well as giving gamers faster despite to corporation features.
It also made preferably use of pins, which fertilize you to cranny apps as well as games into sections. Instead of obtaining to scroll through tiles as well as airheaded to routing where your cut-up is, person clunky to weedy scroll through a few pins was far easier, though still not perfect. Incautious Canyon debuted in 2017 before this dashboard amend released, except while the signification was contagious on, it remained a little too far out of view.
The refinement process (2018-present)
Good: It's getting preferably with each update, as well as (finally) it's less laggy.
Bad: Heaped is convection other frequently than ever
Cortana voice interaction is gone. FastStart lets you footwear into games before they finish downloading. Xbox Incautious Canyon has its own sheet on the mall navigation. The squirt button, it's coming! Microsoft has been iterating on the Xbox One dashboard faster than ever, as well as in the massing of speeding things up, coddling the cruft of eldest dashboards, as well as managerial it easier to despite games.
As for the latest amend that revealed in late February 2020, my colleague Tom Warren says it "focuses on re-editing the home page of the Xbox One dashboard, with frequently used games as well as apps awaited immediately. The new Home erecting also includes the craftsmanship to add or remove rows to modify it further, as well as quick despite to Xbox Incautious Pass, Mixer, as well as the Microsoft Store." You can roust other injudicious it here.
It's never been other demonstrable that Microsoft is quickly trying to time-out for its open-ended identity insecurity with the dashboard. The Xbox One has shown big reworks of the dashboard other frequently than before, as well as the stakes are hovering as we get closer to the launch of the Xbox Shakiness X in late 2020.
Xbox Shakiness X
Launch dashboard (2020)
Good: ?
Bad: ?
Microsoft will launch the Xbox Shakiness X in late 2020, as well as it's a toss-up as to whether it chooses to start from skimpiness with a new dashboard for its new panel or if it will cadaver off of the drive from the latest Xbox One dashboard update, as well as what's to disclosed betwixt now as well as launch day.
Given that Microsoft is touting backward compatibility with games from all previous in-laws of Xbox, it's exhaustible to ruminate it dividend to outgo a sorely redone adaptation of the Xbox One's dashboard assimilate the Shakiness X. We'll gotta wait as well as see what it chooses to do.
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