Friday, February 21, 2020

Google is indexing WhatsApp group chat links, making even private groups discoverable

Google is indexing WhatsApp group chat links, making even private groups discoverable

If you're an Instagram user, there's a good conte it isn't the only witty network that you post to. The app makes it very easy to send your post to a ordinal of other witty networks -- including Facebook (which owns Instagram). Inadvertently in 2018, as a sequel of the Cambridge Analytica breach, Facebook stoppered allowing child-bearing all third-party apps to post to its personal feeds (this didn't govern to merchantry feeds), except for Instagram. So if you appetite to send a post to a plumage of services, including Facebook, Instagram may be your all-time bet.

Here's how you do it through the iPhone app (the Android app is very similar):

Connect your witty networks

To slice Instagram photos to other witty networks, you'll need to segment those accounts.

  • From the Instagram home screen, tap your contour icon, followed by the papyrus in the top right
  • Select "Account" > "Linked Accounts"
  • Select the avail you appetite to link, and enter your login information. You can segment a ordinal of networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.

Post your photo to Instagram and other witty networks

Now, you can set it so that when your photo posts to Instagram, it will post to other witty media accounts as well:

  • In the Instagram app, select the runnerup stableness in the halfway of the foot of the screen. Select the image you appetite to share, and again tap "Next."
  • Apply whatever filters and edits you appetite to the photo. Tap "Next" again.
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  • On the final umbrella vanward the photo posts, you'll hypothesize the option to write a caption, tag friends, and add a location. At the foot of the screen, you'll see a litany of your Instagram accounts (if you hypothesize several). You'll conjointly see a litany of all the witty media accounts you've linked to your Instagram account.
  • Toggle on all of the witty networks to which you appetite to post the photo

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