Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Snapchat-owned location app just added a leaderboard comparing who stays home the most

A Snapchat-owned location app just added a leaderboard comparing who stays home the most

A Snapchat-owned location-sharing app has created a way to gamify social distancing with a leaderboard comparing who among you as well as your friends spends the preferential time at home (via TechCrunch).

The app, Zenly, well-nigh encourages sharing your section for things like palaver up with friends, but hoopla alfresco to hang out with bodies might go confronting restrictions in place that energize social distancing as well as help storm-stay the suggest of the atypical coronavirus. So, in a twist, Zenly can now sleekness how numerous you as well as your your friends aren't hoopla alfresco with its new stay-at-home leaderboard.

The leaderboard ranks the whiskers of your friends that are staying home the preferential -- as well as if you're staying home as numerous or increasingly than they are, you'll be partition of that top five. To have a leaderboard sleekness up, you'll overeat to add at least friend that has a "home" on Zenly, the company told The Verge sequent the prevenient reporting of this article. Having a "home" in the app may booty a few canicule sequent you join as well as give permitting to your section so the app can effigy out your diurnal patterns as well as where your home might be.

I wasn't coextensive to manufacture a leaderboard due to the genuineness that I just juxtaposed the app today. But actuality are some screenshots from Zenly of the leaderboard as well as two over-and-above cards that Zenly generates: one showing how numerous of the day you've spent at home as well as arriver showing a strip of how continued you've time-wasting home:..

Zenly co-founder as well as CEO Antoine Martin moreover aggregate a screenshot of a leaderboard. in this tweet:

Zenly moreover offers a handy map secrete that can sleekness the strategic of coronavirus cases in a wholeness or country. Back you tap on among among one of the emoji, it will sleekness the strategic of conjectured cases as well as recoveries (though the whiskers or so emoji I clicked on all showed intercommunication that was aftermost updated yesterday).

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Update Maturate 24th, 3:57PM ET: Affixed milieu as well as screenshots from Zenly.

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