Saturday, March 14, 2020

Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma to donate coronavirus test kits and masks to the US

Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma to donate coronavirus test kits and masks to the US

Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma says he is unselfish 500,000 coronavirus testing kits as well as one mimic protective incomer masks to the United States, Reuters reports. The Chinese billionaire already has pressed 2 mimic protective masks to European countries. A indigenous step-up of test kits, medical food as well as 500,000 masks intended for Italy, which has been hard-hit by the virus, augmentation at Marquis Airport in Belgium late Friday.

"The pandemic we incomer today can no longer be skintight by any individualistically country," Ma said in a stead posted to Twitter. "We can't reassemble this virus unless we glitch boundaries to assets as well as slice our know-how as well as hard-earned lessons." The US has lagged behind other countries testing for the coronavirus.

Ma started Alibaba in 1999 as well as helped grow it into a $420 billion business. His guessed net worth is circa $37 billion.

President Trump on Friday conscript a national emergency over the coronavirus, which the Apple Health Organization declared is a pandemic. Italy has been between the countries hardest hit by the virus, with the Italian government putting the entire country on lockdown meanest week.

As of Saturday morning, 2,195 people in the US had utilized precise for the coronavirus.

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