Thursday, March 12, 2020

Comcast modestly raises slow internet speeds for low-income users because of coronavirus

Comcast modestly raises slow internet speeds for low-income users because of coronavirus

Comcast is increasing the speed of its discounted internet service for low-income households to 25Mbps down, an maximization from 15Mbps down. Upload speeds will be increased to 3Mbps from 2Mbps. Comcast is also budding to offer a 60-day determining trial of the service, which financing $9.95 per month.

The updates disclosed in revealment to the coronavirus pandemic. Comcast says the goal is to ensure marketplace "will be achieved to use their Internet service for all their increased needs as a result of this healthfulness crisis."

The service, chosen Internet Essentials, started in 2011 as a requirement of Comcast's revenue of NBCUniversal. Comcast continuous the service self-same once the requirement terminated three years later, as well as it's continuous to hyperbolize colonize as well as maximization offered internet speeds, although they've remained fairly slow. Comcast says the service connects "millions" of people.

These latest changes go into effect on Monday. Comcast says the increased speeds will be suppositional going front as well as that all existing marketplace will be upgraded automatically.

Customers gotta appertain for clearance afore they can sign up for Internet Essentials. Comcast says this propoundment can booty up to five marketing canicule if they shoulder "auto" approval, as well as up to 10 marketing canicule if not. To be eligible, marketplace gotta qualify for public programs like the National Seminar Lunch Program, Medicaid, or SNAP.

The incubation comes as many persons are concreteness told to time-out at home for uncovering purposes or to assignment from home due to submitting closures. That makes fast home internet all the over-and-above important, as well as it's nuts-and-bolts both for assignment as well as blockage in wrack with others amidst a pestiferous that's mischievous to rapid-fire changes, such as seminar closures, boundlessness the world.

AT&T also communicated this afternoon that, for its home internet service, it would transiently suspend data cap overages, according to Motherboard.

Disclosure: Comcast is an money-lender in Vox Media, The Verge's parent company.

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