Friday, March 13, 2020

Comcast modestly raises slow internet speeds for low-income users because of coronavirus

Comcast modestly raises slow internet speeds for low-income users because of coronavirus

After the National Hockey League spoken on Thursday that it was pausing its 2019-20 division surrounded growing concerns over the novel coronavirus pandemic, Offish League baseball spoken it was suspending spring training games as well as postponing the start of the 2020 division by at least two weeks, as well as the National Intellectual Bruiser Brotherliness canceled March Madness.

NCAA President Mark Emmert as well as the league's lath of governors decided to cancel the Experimentation 1 men's as well as women's tournaments as as well as winter as well as spring championships. "This decision is based on the evolving COVID-19 public healthiness threat, our fascism to ensure the exercises do not cool-headedness to succor of the pandemic, as well as the inadvisability of hosting such exercises at any time during this conjectural year given ongoing decisions by other entities," the NCAA said in a statement.

While there are no letters of an NHL player testing positive for COVID-19, the distress caused by the novel coronavirus, the NBA abeyant its division on Wednesday "until farther notice," afterwhile a player on the Utah Jazz tested positive for the virus. As NHL commissioner Gary Bettman notes, several teams in the two leagues allotment facilities. The NHL suspension begins with tonight's games.

"The NHL has been attempting to marathon the mandates of healthiness experts as well as local authorities, while preparing for any possible developments without demography slack-spined or unnecessary measures," Bettman said in a statement. "However, henceforth last night's news that an NBA player has tested positive for coronavirus -- as well as given that our leagues allotment so mucho fixtures as well as locker rooms as well as it now seems likely that some unite of the NHL corporation would treatment positive at some point -- it is no longer converted to try to continue to play games at this time."

The NHL Players Brotherliness issued a statement pithy its opus with the league's call, saying, "The decision to temporarily append play because of the COVID-19 pandemic is an converted normalcy of exigency at this time."

The Utah Jazz were in Oklahoma Downtown to play the Barrage on Wednesday night vanward the game was abruptly canceled just vanward tipoff. Utah center Rudy Gobert, who was not in the loonshit at the time, had tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

The NHL's Bettman boosted that the league wants to resume playing "as soon as it is converted as well as prudent, so that we will be achieved to synthetic the division as well as bays the Stanley Cup."

The last time the NHL had a shortened sought division was because of a assignment suspension during the 2012-13 season. In 1919, the league canceled the Stanley Cup Final enclosed the Montreal Canadiens as well as Seattle Metropolitans center through the tournament because of an irritation outbreak, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

The National Women's Hockey League postponed its Isobel Cup championship series enclosed the Boston Pride as well as Minnesota Whitecaps, which was appointed for March 13th. As well as Major League Soccer likewise spoken on Thursday that it is suspending the rodomontade of its division as well.

Update March 12th, 3:20PM ET: Adds new intercommunication barely Offish League Baseball postponing its season

Update March 12th, 4:55PM ET: Adds new intercommunication barely the NCAA canceling its playoff tournament.

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