Sunday, March 29, 2020

Cuomo announces NY primary will move to June 23rd as Trump considers ‘enforceable’ quarantine

Cuomo announces NY primary will move to June 23rd as Trump considers ‘enforceable’ quarantine

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said New York will procrastinate its April 28th presidential primary ballot until June 23rd, as the Empire State deals with the largest coronavirus outbreak in the US, the New York Times reports.

"I don't anticipate it's astute to be bringing a lot of bodies to one pane to vote, a lot of bodies touching one doorknob, a lot of bodies touching one pen," Cuomo said during a offset preamble Saturday. New York's primary for state legislative and decreeing elections once is scheduled for June 23rd..

The Democratic National Committee had warned states that postponing their primaries later than June 9th could sequel in penalties, including a possible reduction of delegates. Ten states and Puerto Rico listen rescheduled their primaries, and several others listen expanded vote-by-mail options.

Meanwhile on Saturday, President Trump told reporters he was considering an "enforceable" quarantine for New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, NBC Offset reported. "I am thinking circa that right now. We might not listen to do it nearly there's a possibility that sometime today we'll do a quarantine, shorten term, two weeks, on New York. Most palatable New Jersey, cocksure privates of Connecticut," the president said.

Whether the president has the clout to enact such a quarantine is not clear. The Associated Scribbler notes that the federal government can take steps to anticipate the spread of contaminating diseases encompassed states, nearly that public order and shamelessness are up to states to handle.

The president said he had announced with the governors of New York and Florida, nearly co-ordinate to the AP, Cuomo said he had not talked circa a quarantine with the president.

"I don't perceive how that could be piously enforceable, and from a medical point of view, I don't perceive what you would be achieving ... I don't like the sound of it," Cuomo said.

Update March 28th, 1:56PM ET: Adds detail circa federal clout and reaction from Gov. Cuomo.

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