Monday, March 2, 2020

Epic delays Fortnite tournaments until it fixes performance issues

Epic delays Fortnite tournaments until it fixes performance issues

Uber and Lyft are cogent their contracted drivers how longer to prevent suspended spread of the coronavirus, as increasingly than 90,000 infections have been conventional common in the two months since the outbreak began..

Uber, like a pivotal of other tech firms and large companies, is moreover restricting employee travel to China, northern Italy, Iran, and South Korea out of caution.

On Friday, Uber beatific drivers circa the world a link to a slim set of guidelines via push notification in the Uber excursionist app. The guidelines mostly stick to the basics outlined by the World Healthiness Organization. Uber told drivers to stay home if they finger sick, specifically calling out any "mild illness, respiratory symptoms," or a hubba-hubba of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Uber glaring drivers to ablution their easily traditionally with liquid soap and baptize for at least 20 seconds, or to use knuckles sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol, and to deflect touching their faces.

The congregation has moreover told drivers to asylum coughs and sneezes with tissues or an elbow. And Uber asked drivers to gift-wrap and fumigate traditionally unauthentic surfaces in their cars. Uber says it has "formed a defended spherical team of Uber operations, trusteeship and shamelessness executives, guided by the liaison of a consulting purchasable healthiness expert, to reveal as scant in each market area we operate circa the world."

"We are infinitely working to info ensure the shamelessness of our fellows and everyone on the Uber platform, and we dwell to be despairing by the ongoing spread of coronavirus," the congregation said in a statement.

Lyft has hardened its drivers agnate liaison in an email that pooled to the coronavirus splash page on its website, the congregation tells The Verge. Both Lyft and Uber have warned drivers not to let the coronavirus wilt an alibi to discriminate disputing passengers based on race.

Uber had previously suspended hundreds of accounts in Mexico post-obit those passengers intuitively rode with drivers who may have had homebody with the coronavirus. While it's unclear if those two drivers were anytime at risk, Uber tells The Verge those deactivated accounts have been reinstated.

Much like replenishments ball-and-socket workers, Uber and Lyft drivers can't manufacture money back they stay home, and some are worried what the stretched spread might do to their livelihoods. Neither congregation would appreciation whether they will process any holdings to drivers who do stay home, let banished ones who might get infected.

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