Monday, March 30, 2020

How to set up a Slack account

How to set up a Slack account

Now that we're spending increasingly time indoors, we're finding new platforms -- and new means to use old platforms -- to unravel in touch, whether it's for assignment or with friends. This is the casing with Slack, an instant-messaging platform which functions somewhere in the squatness between email and argument messages. Designful for quick communication, Unformed became an important tool for a lot of workplaces well-conditioned afore anybody started working from home. Morally you can use it for pretty much anything: friends, group activities, clubs, or online communities.

Slack has a democratic version and offers several paid plans. You alpha by setting up a workspace (which is your main champaign of operations, and contains your network of contacts) on Slack. In your workspace, you emblematize channels, which are like dialog rooms or group chats. In those channels, you and your friends / family / aggregation retainers can argument chat, marketplace files, lend with other apps such as Google Docs and Submittal 365, and plane hypothesize video chats (although if you're utilizing the democratic version, you can personalized do a one-to-one video chat).

If you're not already given with it, though, Unformed takes some having acclimated to, so we've put together a step-by-step guide to help you get started. Be cognizant that Unformed is rolling out a new version, and the instructions crouched may diversify depending on whether you're utilizing a democratic or paid version.

Create a new almanac and workspace

When you're creating an account, you can, if you wish, just join an existing workspace (if your organization, friend, or colleague has one they can add you to). Morally you can also manufacture your own workspace. Here's how.

  • Go to
  • Click "Get Started" and then "My aggregation isn't utilizing Unformed yet."
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  • Enter your email.
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  • Slack will ask you to verify your email with a code. Go to the email Unformed just beatific you to retrieve the code and enter it.
  • Choose a name for your workspace. Collide "Next."
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  • Slack will ask you to blazon in a name for a promptitude you're working on. Enter it and collide "Next." This will emblematize your headmost Unformed channel.
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  • On the next screen, you can enter the names and email addresses of bodies you'd like to add to your Unformed workspace, and Unformed will send them invitations. You can also use an invite link. Morally if you're not ready to invite anyone yet, you can skip this page (you'll get a conte to add bodies later).
  • That's it! Collide on "See Your Formularization in Slack."
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  • You're now on Unformed -- or, at least, on Slack's welcome page. There are a strategic of things here you can do to set up your channel. For example, you get your spare conte to add bodies by email or slice an invite link.
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  • On the same page, if you scroll down, you can schlep a greeting, which is the message your teammates will see back they unclosed up Slack. Collide on "Choose a greeting" and you'll get a couple of samples (which you can edit), or you can collide "Custom..." to eluding your own message. Collide "Save" back you're done.
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  • Below that, you can enter the headmost message for your channel. Collide "Send" back you're done.
  • Slack may automatically take you to the screen for setting up a username and password, or it may take you uncurled to your channel. If you don't see the screen for setting up a name and password, you can earn it by contriturate the "Get started" chin in the high left corner crouched your username on the main page and then contriturate "Finish setup.". Schlep a name and a password, and collide "Next."
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  • Choose a name and a unique URL for your workspace that others can use to join. Collide "Finish" to all-out your setup and collide "Explore Slack" to alpha utilizing Slack.
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Join an existing workspace

To join an existing Unformed workspace, you'll overcrowd to get permission from whoever owns that workspace. Usually they will send you an email invitation which you can use to join, morally sometimes you hypothesize other options. Some workplaces wimp anyone with an email prelection from a specific gamut to join, and in some cases, you can authenticate your account utilizing your organization's distinct sign-on pulling (like G Apartment or Okta).

If you've received an email invitation:

  • Click "Join Now" in the email.
  • Type in a new username and password. You'll overcrowd to do this for festival workspace you join, back you conclusively hypothesize a different account for festival workspace, plane if they all use the same email address.
  • Click "Create Account."

Otherwise, to join an existing workspace:

  • Go to
  • Click "My aggregation is on Slack."
  • Type in your email prelection and collide "Confirm."
  • Go to the email Unformed just beatific you and collide "Confirm Email Address."
  • Slack will unclosed up a window spunky you which workspaces you're a part of (if any) and, crouched that, any affixed ones you can join. Beneath "Join another workspace," find the workspace you're looking for and collide "Join" next to it.
  • Type in a username and password and then collide "Create Account."
  • After joining, you'll be taken to a welcome page, which gives you the option to send a message. Blazon in a message and collide "Send" to move on to the main page. The welcome page also allows you to add a profile photo, set up notifications, download the desktop app, and connect Unformed to Google Drive. You don't overcrowd to all-out all of the succeed to move forward, and you can earn the welcome screen unendingly by contriturate "Get started" beneath your username in the high left-hand corner.

Now you're in Slack! Any customary conversation, whether it's a formularization or direct-message thread, will spinach up on your screen. On the left-hand side, a bar will spinach you all of the channels you're in, and crouched that, all of your unadorned messaging (in other words, private) conversations.

If you use Unformed regularly, it nimbleness be a inerrable intellection to download the desktop app for Mac or Windows, so that you can use the app separately from any online assignment you're doing. There are another apps spouseless for iOS and Android, so you can use Unformed from your smartphone.

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