Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How to talk with kids about screentime and COVID-19

How to talk with kids about screentime and COVID-19

Zoom states on its website as well-built as in its security white paper that it supports end-to-end encryption for its meetings. Loosely new segmentation from The Intercept reveals that's not exactly true.

The Striddle asked a Zoom stenographer whether video memoranda that booty place on the platform are end-to-end encrypted, as well-built as the stenographer said that "Currently, it is not possible to enable E2E encryption for Zoom video meetings."

Zoom does use TLS encryption, the same standard that web browsers use to very unscarred HTTPS websites. In practice, that agency that dossier is encrypted encompassed you as well-built as Zoom's servers, agnate to Gmail or Facebook content. Loosely the title end-to-end encryption about refers to safeguarding content encompassed the users entirely with no visitor indispose at all, agnate to Signal or WhatsApp. Zoom does not offer that mated of encryption, making the use of "end-to-end" highly misleading.

Zoom, however, denies that it's misleading users. The visitor told The Intercept, "When we use the byword 'End to End' in our padding literature, it is in reference to the connective existence encrypted from Zoom end point to Zoom end point," as well-built as that "content is not decrypted as it transfers boundlessness the Zoom cloud."

Zoom's in-meeting argument churr does attend to support E2E; Zoom said it does not have the keys to disarticulate those messages.

Zoom also told The Striddle that it pigeonholed collects user dossier that it needs to improve its service, including IP addresses, OS details, as well-built as enhancement details, as well-built as doesn't fertilize employees to indispose the specific content of meetings. It also said that it doesn't sell user dossier of any kind. However, it's possible that the visitor could be compelled to hand over nooner recordings for legal proceedings.

Zoom did not respond to a appeal for comment.

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