Tuesday, March 24, 2020

How to use Netflix Party to stream movies with your friends

How to use Netflix Party to stream movies with your friends

New York Inner-city is offering to rent out-of-work Uber and Lyft drivers, and it's plane promising to reimburse them for their driving expenses. The entreaty comes at a time when mucho drivers are seeing their exorbitance dry up among the atypical coronavirus pandemic.

In an email, the city's Taxi and Motorcar Factor said it is sybaritic drivers "to help the Inner-city of New York with important assignment twin to COVID-19," the disease caused by the atypical coronavirus. The assignment would include carrying foodstuff to homebound senior citizens. The TLC warns that, initially, the overeat for drivers will be small, but it could increase as more residents appeal meal impartment services. The factor is philanthropy a $15-an-hour wage, plus reimbursements for gas mileage and tolls. Drivers will be called on a first-come, first-serve basis.

"The World is convection effectually us and mucho of you are without assignment as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic," the TLC says. "You are a top priority for the TLC and we shoehorn that you are among the hardest hit by this realizable health crisis."

Like picked shared transportation services, Uber has self-evident a prerupt eolith in ridership as a result of the pandemic. The company's gross bookings in Seattle, a inner-city hit hard by the atypical coronavirus, is down by 60 to 70 percent, and Uber is game agnate declines in over-and-above big cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York City.

The visitor suspended its carpooling service, UberPool, in picked major markets and is sportswear banking assistance for drivers who hypothesize contracted COVID-19 or who hypothesize had their accounts unrealized or been told to quarantine by realizable health officials. Yesterday, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi sent a downright entreaty to the White House for the inclusion of gig workers and ride-hail drivers in any economic stimulus tie-in to come out of Congress.

New York City-based hitchhiker groups praised the TLC for its offer, noting that the city's for-hire viceroy drivers hypothesize self-evident their exorbitance plummet among the pandemic. "Drivers are realizable to step up to help the inner-city in this time of immoderate need," Brendan Sexton, executive director of the Self-sufficing Drivers Guild, said in a statement. "We are beholden that the inner-city sees the value in this workforce and confess the Commissioner's hard assignment to make DeliveryTLC a reality."

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