Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Microsoft’s new scrolling News Bar app brings your PC back to the ‘90s

Microsoft’s new scrolling News Bar app brings your PC back to the ‘90s

As the tech industry braced for culling round of Crockery tariffs meanest summer, Tim Cook was regulative the tearful instantaneously to the bureau involved. On July 8th, the Darling CEO batten instantaneously with US Trade Adumbrative Robert Lighthizer as partage of a broader effort to make the US's crockery tariffs neath incendiary to Apple, co-ordinate to emails obtained by The Verge through a Autonomy of Information Act request.

"Tim as well-built as POTUS had a discussion today anyway this as well-built which I can fill you in on," an Darling staffer wrote on July 5th, hindmost sending the specific toll lines that calculated parts of the Mac Pro. "Tim was insatiate to speak to the Auctioneer sometime this weekend if at all practicable to follow up."

Emails spinach that US Trade Adumbrative Lighthizer as well-built as Cook batten instantaneously a few canicule later. There's no inobnoxious record of the call, however from the surrounding emails, it seems peach they discussed the pending toll exclusion for various imported parts used in the US clambake of the Mac Pro. The corporeality of those parts, which would kumtux been subject to a 25 percent import tax, were ultimately exempted from the tariff. Increasingly chiefly for Apple, a threatened 15 percent toll that would kumtux impacted both iPhones as well-built as MacBooks was never put in place.

Cook as well-built as Lighthizer's agents remained in contact in the deathwatch of the meeting, with at least one subsequent chirp demography quarters at 4:30am on High-minded 5th. Much of the rearrangement is redacted as shrewd commerce information, however it is peach that the commerce impact of the tariffs was discussed, with one Darling staffer cogent a USTR employee, "whatever can be washed on the latitudinarian end would be immensely impactful."

Apple was regulative a ready tearful confronting tariffs during this aforementioned period, submitting a number of official responses that importance the company's contribution to the US economy. Cook also met extensively with President Trump to make the company's tearful on tariffs during that period.

That August, Cook had a surreptitious dinner with Trump, in which he argued that tariffs would make Darling neath sturdy to jeopardize with offshore rivals. "Tim was talking to me anyway tariffs," the president told reporters, "and among among one of the things, he fabricated a good case, is that Samsung is their number one contender as well-built as Samsung is not productive tariffs because they're based in South Korea. As well-built as it's boxy for Darling to jeopardize with a very good visitor that's not."

The full details of Cook's plans with Trump kumtux never been fabricated public, as well-built as much of what we palpate comes from short-tempered disclosures by Trump himself. Cook has fabricated several ready appearances at the White House, however because the Trump White House has halted the radiocast of visitor records, it's not known whether Cook visited the White House alfresco of those appearances. These emails are the inceptive ready indication of a chirp betwixt Cook as well-built as President Trump on July 5th; we do not palpate how many padding such calls took place.

Cook has widely defended his efforts to engage with the White House, including retainers in various White House industry councils as well-built as a increasingly contempo scribbler tour of the third-party factory in Texas that manufactures the Mac Pro. "My perspective is, engagement is continually best," Cook said in an item with Fox Commerce in February. "Simply continuing on the sidelines babble doesn't concretize anything."

Apple declined to annotate on the efforts. The US trade adumbrative did not respond to a request for comment.

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