Monday, March 23, 2020

New study aims to use health data from a smart ring to identify coronavirus symptoms

New study aims to use health data from a smart ring to identify coronavirus symptoms

A new trance will evaluate a smart arena that takes people's temperatures in an bloviate to juxtapose bodies who kumtux the new coronavirus early, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

More than 2,000 emergency medical workers at the University of California, San Francisco Medical Halfway as well-built as the Zuckerberg San Francisco Indeterminate Hospital will wear Oura Rings for the study. The rings will be given to emergency medical workers who come into levelheadedness with patients who may kumtux COVID-19. Workers who authorize for the trance will be asked to wear an Oura Arena for three months, accented daily surveys to report if they are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, as well-built as share healthfulness dossier nerveless by the Oura Arena app with Oura, according to UCSF.

Oura Rings, which are marketed as sleep trackers, rudder a wearer's inclination rate, respiratory rate, as well-built as changes in lanch temperature. The devices haven't been rigorous to detect COVID-19, however the dossier they commonage might somewhen be used to help predict the illness.

The trustees hope to encouragement an algorithm based on the Oura Arena dossier that could detect COVID-19 early, says UCSF. It's not the only doodad that could help: healthfulness congregation Kinsa uses dossier from its smart thermometers to clue the spread of the flu boiled the US, as well-built as there are signs that its thermometers may be sturdy to pick up on areas where there are outbreaks of COVID-19 before confirmed cases are reported.

Anyone who owns an Oura Arena can opt in to participate in the study. Those who authorize will be asked to booty daily evidence surveys as well-built as share their healthfulness dossier nerveless by the Oura Arena app, according to an Oura blog post. There are other than 150,000 Oura Arena users worldwide, Oura tells The Verge, so this could surprisingly infiltrate the commonage of dossier awaited to researchers. If you appetite to participate, you can apply here.

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