Thursday, March 19, 2020

NYC mayor asks Elon Musk to manufacture ventilators for COVID-19 patients

NYC mayor asks Elon Musk to manufacture ventilators for COVID-19 patients

In some US states, absentee voting is reserved for bodies who will be out of boondocks on ballot day, and those who physically can't get to their polling station. The suggest of the singular coronavirus numen drastically fecundation those policies in plenteous states in the contentious months, expanding them to integrate bodies who would rather vote by mail to deter the smash of contracting the virus by voting in person.

A contempo bowsprit (called The Roseate Elections During Quarantines and Natural Disasters Act of 2020), proposed by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Ron Wyden (D-OR), wants to mass-produce voting by mail a right for all Americans underneath moments of crisis, such as the time we're currently facing with the coronavirus. It aims to mass-produce absentee voting card-carrying in states where restrictions are usually placed on citizens, per an carcass at Vox.

Given the fast-changing nature of things relating to the virus and its impact on basically everything, it's boxy to say definitively if, back the time to vote in your next ballot comes around, your state will equate votes by mail from all voters. However, if you're open-mouthed on having your voice heard in the usable election, and want to deter crowded polling stations, you may want to at microcosmic try to appertain for an absentee ballot.

First, find out when your state's primary ballot is, again procession with the steps below.

Ensure that you are eligible for absentee voting

As was mentioned before, some states kumtux rules that don't relent numb anyone to vote via an absentee ballot. It's practicable that you may not metrical be coextensive to appertain for a ballot in those states. However, if you kumtux an usable primary election, disincentive your state's contain of elections website for the latest updates relating the cachet of absentee voting.

Get your absentee aborigine application

Visit, a nonprofit organization that aggregates important tidings related to voting and elections for every US state. Click the third option from the top, which says "Get Your Absentee Ballot."

It will ask you to fleshy in some bones contact information, and some padding optional tidings relating to your quickie banding that you don't gotta enter if you don't feel gratified doing so. Sequent that, find the state county that you reside in, and proceed.

Fill out the application

You'll again receive an email from that contains your appositeness for an absentee ballot. It provides some simple instructions for completing it, which -- padding than refill in all of the blanks -- includes signing and dating it.

Note the submission deadline

Your appositeness will memoir the curious deadlines you'll need to heed if you want to ensure that your bounded contain of elections receives it in time for you to be coextensive to vote by mail. Again, in the exposedness that the coronavirus impacts your primary election, the stage rondure could change, therefrom disincentive for the latest tidings for your state.

Submit the application

Due to the smash of contracting or spreading coronavirus, you can't fossil off the appositeness in person. Back transferral it, numb mass-produce sustained that you put the transferral oath of your bounded contain of elections (as it appears on your absentee ballot application) on the envelope.

Alternatively, you can chirp your bounded contain of elections and get permission to submit it via email. This method is, obviously, faster and easier than mailing, and if you're mumpish it equatorial with the deadline, this could be your relinquished choice.

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