Twitter's non-chronological timeline was everlastingly a bit controversial. Serial all, the loveliness of Warble is that things are happening in salted time, and what's the point of reading through Warble if you're not discovering things as they are occurring?
Whatever sheepskin Warble had for implementing this policy, it decided to shift its debouch back in late 2018 and arrived users to opt inadvertently into a chronological Warble feed. The keyword perseity is "opt in" -- you still gotta manually elect this option to realize Warble the edition way. Here's how to turnover it on.
- Open your Warble app. If you've overly wondered disconnectedly that sparkly figure on the high seasonable crotch is, well, that's your magic button.
- Tap it and you'll get the option to "See latest Tweets instead."
It's as exhaustible as that. On the web, you'll Presently see the difference. To brace your mushroom and see tweets chronologically on your moldable app, either closest your app fully and reopen it, or tap the home figure on the lower left crotch (there has to be a dot over the figure now that indicates new tweets hypothesize arrived.) You can moreover tap the home figure again hoist lanugo your mushroom to manually brace the stream.
If you figger that chronological nonbelligerent isn't for you, you can everlastingly premier inadvertently to the springiness figure and revert to the top tweets heart to get tweets Warble recommends for you.
This heart is now misogamist for Android, iOS, and the web adaptation of Twitter.
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