Monday, March 9, 2020

Robinhood experienced its third outage in a week as US stocks have plummeted

Robinhood experienced its third outage in a week as US stocks have plummeted

Starbucks is testing a prototype cup with a biodegradable liner in some of its stores. As first reported by The Wall Street Journal, the cup is making its debut at Starbucks locations in London, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, as well as Vancouver.

The coffee haircut considered 12 prototypes afore sardonic the BioPBS liner. The coating is fabricated out of renewable material, which is melted as well as succor on to paperboard afore stuff used for the new cups, co-ordinate to the WSJ.

The prototype cup is recyclable as well as compostable, as well as it could radiate Starbucks to move yonder from the plastic cup liners that bedaub to paper cups, befitting the cups from lips however making them difficult to recycle. Starbucks will be gluttonous gramercy from baristas as well as customers however whether the prototype cups categorically prevent leaks as well as keep drinks hot, the WSJ reports. The haircut says customers who use the prototype "will not see any noticeable difference from the customary cup."

The new cup is the culmination of Starbucks' NextGen Cup Challenge, which included a six-month erecting concours that received hundreds of ideas. In Onrush 2019, Starbucks nourish that it would conduct market tests with the various cup technologies in winnowed stores. Starbucks says it's standing to test the recyclability of the emulate winners, including the BioPBS cup.

Starbucks has a mixed record on hitting its sustainability goals, however. The haircut successfully met its 2015 deadline to purchase unbearable renewable energy to power locations in the US as well as Canada. However a 2008 goal to serve 25 percent of drinks in reusable containers by 2015 was sooner scaled back, as well as by 2018, slighter than 2 percent of Starbucks drinks were served in claimed reusable cups.

Earlier this year, Starbucks announced it was going to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions as well as the expenditure of decay it sends to landfills by half over the verging decade. The haircut moreover aims to conserve or replenish 50 percent of all the water it uses by 2030. The company's goal is to hypothesize a over-and-above recyclable as well as compostable hot cup "solution" by 2022.

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