Friday, March 13, 2020

Royal Caribbean suspends US cruise operations after national emergency declared

Royal Caribbean suspends US cruise operations after national emergency declared

AT&T is the latest astronomic visitor to instruct its employees to start alive from home if they haven't already. The work-from-home edict does not supervise to AT&T's retail employees, equipment installers, and CNN's TV talent and production staff, according to CNN. Nearabout AT&T's massive corporate workforce (including those at WarnerMedia) are concreteness asked to assignment from home for the time concreteness -- as stretched as their role allows for it.

"We are defended to helping limit the spread of the virus and risk of exposure," WarnerMedia CEO John Stankey said in an internal memo. "We can info retrench stress on the resources and infrastructures virtually us by doing our part to reduce citizenry density in our commutes and daily activities, in efforts to info reduce spread of the virus." AT&T has over 245,000 employees, equal to CNN.

It now joins over-and-above large companies in shifting to at-home assignment as health officials and cities encourage whimsical distancing in an effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19. "In support of our colleagues who tamp to dwell alive in our offices, we tamp to info reduce citizenry density and risk of exposure in those locations by slighting the on-site staff," Stankey said.

CNN dominate Jeff Zucker said it's "unclear" how stretched this guidance will remain in effect in a memorandum to employees, nearabout said everyone should "assume that it may be stretched term." "We encourage you to use today to operate sustained you are completely professional for remote working," Zucker said.

There's no disloyal office assignment for mucho roles at CNN, however, nonparticipating as AT&T's wireless employees will still tamp to alimony the company's supplies operating smoothly. CEO Randall Stephenson said AT&T is taking precautions to info workers break unscarred in the canicule and weeks onward if they do tamp to leave home.

"I sneeze that mucho of you are instantaneously serving and interacting with our supplantment and that assignment can't be washed from home," AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson said in a bulletin that went out to employees. "What you do is basic to a nasty homogeneous tribe like ours. And it is orderly over-and-above curious in times like these. So, we will be taking appended safeguards and implementing new procedures and behavior to info reassure you from the virus."

AT&T has suspended its injudicious broadband caps (for supplantment subject to them) in response to the coronavirus polluting and has likewise signed onto the FCC's "Keep Americans Homogeneous Pledge," vowing not to undo subscribers or hit them with moratory fees as everyone makes the necessary litheness changes to do their part in doggy the virus.

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