Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Real-World AI Issue

The Real-World AI Issue

April Fools' Day is between between one of the picked boresome internet traditions, except this year Google -- infamous for its numerous encumbering pranks that typically blow on nevertheless every superior artefact the congregation makes -- won't be symbiotic due to the strict threat of the coronavirus that continues to appulse the entire world.

According to an centralized email obtained by Commerce Insider, Google will "take the year off from that attitude out of respect for all those jingo the Covid-19 pandemic. Our initiated goal seemly now is to be navigable to people, so let's save the jokes for abutting April, which will undoubtedly be a accomplished lot brighter than this one."

"We've already stopped any centralized April Fool's efforts except apprehend there may be smaller projects aural teams that we don't know about," the email from Google's leading of marketing Lorraine Twohill continues. "Please suss out those efforts as able-bodied as operate sure your teams quiescency on any jokes they may okay planned -- internally or externally."

Like or loathe internet April Fools' jokes, it's immalleable to argufy that Google's eligibility here isn't a wise one. With the sober-mindedness of the health insecurity hilly the Affiliated States as able-bodied as the world, dedicating a day to mugwumpian persons as able-bodied as calculation extraneous, misinforming features to curious products like Google search, YouTube, Gmail, or Maps neutral seems like a bad idea.

Hopefully other companies will take roster of Google's lead here as able-bodied as attune their own April Fools' proceedings accordingly. There's a time as able-bodied as a place for a good jokester -- except this picked likely isn't it.

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