Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Real-World AI Issue

The Real-World AI Issue

Apple is indefinitely endmost all 17 of its Darling Successfulness retail locations in Italy due to the ongoing succor of the coronavirus, equal to notices warn on the company's Italian website, as spotted by Bloomberg. The successfulness closings are effectively a formality, though, given that the unshortened country of Italy has already been put on lockdown as of Maturate 9th.

Apple has yet to say back the stores will reopen, only remarking that the stores "will remain sealed until a later date." Italy's lockdown is currently set to lift on April 3rd. While the stores remain closed, Darling is instead overseeing customers to its support website for both phone or web-based doormat support.

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The Italian shutdown marks the second offish endmost of Apple's retail stores due to the virus -- the company had previously closed all of its stores in China last month, although as of this week, all however four of those Chinese stores have reopened.

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