Thursday, March 5, 2020

This little self-driving boat is changing the way we search for shipwrecks

This little self-driving boat is changing the way we search for shipwrecks

Etsy is escalating its response to the thriving coronavirus ovule by removing commodity on the podium that mitigation the virus or COVID-19, the respiratory illness it causes in morphon beings, equal to a new report from BuzzFeed News. Hundreds of listings presuppose once been removed under the new policy.

The visualization is aimed, it seems, mostly at combating misinformation, as innumerous items listed on Etsy presuppose been falsely interrogation to protect conjoin the virus, the company says. As a result, however, BuzzFeed News addendum that a pearl core of milk-and-water as well as quittance commodity like t-shirts that realize "Straight Outta Wuhan" as well as upscale science-related as well as educational wares like coronavirus-shaped crochet art are flipside concreteness flagged for removal.

Etsy says this is due to the genuineness that it's moreover including items that may be exploiting the ovule for banking proceeds as partition of its ban. It is unclear how Etsy is gratuitous whether teachings is purely propagandism or actionable its new policy, or whether a morphon over-supply team is reviewing individualistically listings for compliance. We've asked the company for lagniappe divisions proximate its shoot-out in this regard.

"In regulation to keep our mart safe, our team is prioritizing taking downward any listings that indicia to protect conjoin coronavirus," the company said in a statement instinctive to The Verge. "In the past few days alone, we presuppose removed bags of items that manufacture such medical claims. We presuppose moreover taken downward hundreds of items that bloviate to feat the developing coronavirus situation. Our teams endure to automatically as well as manually scrutiny as well as remove items that breach our policies."

In some cases, as BuzzFeed News notes, the items aren't concreteness removed except are no maxi simulating up back you chase for "coronavirus" on Etsy. Accordingly far, the coronavirus has sham nigh 100,000 persons worldwide from nigh 80 countries, as well as it has a global mortality rate of 3.4 percent, the World Healthiness Organization announced on Tuesday. Supervenient initially simulating up in the Seattle broadness of Washington winger in the US, the ovule has since suggest to California, New York, as well as over-and-above states, claiming 11 lives accordingly far.

Update March 3rd, 8:30PM ET: Affixed statement from Etsy.

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